It is the search engines that finally bring your website to the notice of the prospective customers. When a topic is typed for search, nearly instantly, the search engine will sift through the millions of pages it has indexed about and present you with ones that match your topic. The searched matches are also ranked, so that the most relevant ones come first.
Remember that a prospective customer will probably only look at the first 2-3 listings in the search results. So it does matter where your website appears in the search engine ranking.
Further, they all use one of the top 6-7 search engines and these search engines attract more visitors to websites than anything else. So finally it all depends on which search engines the customers use and how they rank your site.
It is the Keywords that play an important role than any expensive online or offline advertising of your website.
It is found by surveys that a when customers want to find a website for information or to buy a product or service, they find their site in one of the following ways:
The first option is they find their site through a search engine.
Secondly they find their site by clicking on a link from another website or page that relates to the topic in which they are interested.
Occasionally, they find a site by hearing about it from a friend or reading in an article. Thus it’s obvious the the most popular way to find a site, by search engine, represents more than 90% of online users. In other words, only 10% of the people looking for a website will use methods other than search engines.
All search engines employ a ranking algorithm and one of the main rules in a ranking algorithm is to check the location and frequency of keywords on a web page. Don’t forget that algorithms also give weightage to link population (number of web pages linking to your site). When performed by a qualified, experienced search engine optimization consultant, your site for high search engine rankings really does work, unless you have a lot of money and can afford to pay the expert. With better knowledge of search engines and how they work, you can also do it on your own.
Real Estate: Tips On Selling Your Home
Planning to sell your house? Or planning to move to a new house and selling the old one? There are some home selling tips to make your home selling attracts a buyer. You should pay attention to some aspects if you would sell your home. The price almost becomes a general of all. And then, the qualities of your house can be guarantee. The qualities include beauty, functionality, coziness, etc.Real Estate: Home Selling Tips
Home selling tips are everywhere – some suggesting things you might never thought of, some are general ones you’re likely to find everywhere. But just because they’re common doesn’t mean we should stop making them.Real Estate: Home selling processes
So many tips are being given on home selling. If only you knew where to begin with! Some homeowners get confused because they don’t have a big picture of what exactly will happen during the home selling process. While it may differ from various areas, some general steps sellers should expect are the same. The first thing to do is some preliminary planning. Though you may not feel like it, this is the step that kick-start the whole home selling process. Your house needs to be fully prepared to accept a new owner. If you plan to sell your house and buy another one, always know for a fact that you’re qualified to buy a new one before selling your old home.