To obtain positive results is not very fast to achieve. It always takes time to reach a good ranking on search engines since there are millions of web pages to be indexed in their databases
Time is a factor
To obtain positive results is not very fast to achieve. It always takes time to reach a good ranking on search engines since there are millions of web pages to be indexed in their databases.
So it takes approximately between six months & one year to see ranking results according to new strategies set by search engines specifically Google, taking into consideration of doing the least effort to reach so.
At frequent basis you will need to add new fresh text content & resubmit every time a significant change is done to your website. Always make sure that the submission process is done manually otherwise the automated system could lead your site to become penalized since spiders have the capability to identify them.
How search engine spiders index pages
Spiders are completely automated programs made by search engine companies in order to web crawl pages then take keywords & index them in databases to return the search results you find.
The conclusion above explains that spiders do not understand anything about what your site says , they ranking system is done automatically, therefore before any submission action takes place make sure the guidelines are followed properly.
Spiders cannot recognize any images or graphics; instead you should rely on text as an alternative to be read in graphic or design areas in the page.
Also make sure that the most important paragraph appears on top of the page in addition to keeping navigation simple & in text format.
Places your keywords should appear for optimized ranking.
Before Getting Accused of Spam, Protect Yourself
Email has become a very essential mean for conducting business online the past years. But you always need to make sure that the settings are all against Spam acts. Since being accused of any Spam actions will have negative consequences on your business that could potentially cause your business to be shut down.How to Get Your Website Listed in DMOZ
It sometimes not very easy to get a website listed in DMOZ, although it helps in achieving higher search engine ranks especially in Google so its importance should not be neglected. Through this article I will provide guidelines on what you should do while submitting your website to this directory.Driving your website through Google Sandbox
Google Sandbox is applied on new websites, it determines the timing of site inclusion as well as ranking in Google search engine results (SERPS). This process could take up to 6-8 months, which could be against your plans causing frustration to webmasters.