Write Quality Content or Search Engines Hate Your Website
Many websites lack the traffic which is the live hood of any online business because of lack of quality content. Search engines especially Google values websites that have quality information. Surfers are craving for information. Your website will be displayed on the first pages of search engines results pages if it has great information.
Don’t you hate it when you surf on the internet and you don’t find quality content websites you are searching for? Search engines also hate when they find poor content websites. The search engine mission is to deliver web pages that are relevant and of great information to the surfers. In fact they work for surfers.
Let’s say you have a college assignment to do research on. You go ahead and Google a keyword of the topic of your assignment. You find the pages returned by Google are relevant and of great information.
Bingo! That is what you were actually searching for. The next thing you do is to bookmark that website. And,

you go tell your college colleagues about it so that they can visit that site too. That is what actually happens when surfers find great content they were searching for. They bookmark and tell others about that website.
Google search engine uses two software programs to determine any websites relevance and how great its content is. The Spider Software is the one that goes and brings your website pages back to the search engine’s home page while the Algorithm Software makes decision whether it’s your website page or some other website page is relevant for a certain keyword.
If Google search engine displays any of your website pages on top of its results list, then you are assured that surfers are clicking your website. If it did not find any of your pages, then it means your website pages are not recognized by it. Gosh! You must hurry and do something about it or else you will be chasing after the wind the rest of your online business days.
Making search engine recognize your website pages is one of the vital ways of growing your online business. If you want search engines to display your website pages on top of its results pages, then you must really work to deliver quality content that is keyword based. By doing this you get traffic which is the live hood of your site.
Lesson! Search engines especially Google like great content. Surfers are searching for quality content first before making any other action.
When Writing Quality Content Avoid This Mistake
If you are selling instead of building trust and credibility through good content first, then you are doing a big mistake. You are killing your website. Once surfers enter your home page and find that you are after selling only, they will immediately click their mouse out of your website. This is how you chase surfers from your website to go to other websites that delivers what they’re craving for.
Provide great information that will benefit (problem solving content) your surfers before selling your goods or services. You can do this through your site concept that is related to the products or services which you will eventually recommend them to buy.
Now that you know this, I do hope you won’t repeat this one big mistake.