A Beginner’s Guide to Learning NLP
Neuro linguistic programming certainly sounds like a hard concept to grasp, but actually, the techniques that you can apply to change the way that you perceive success and the obstacles in your path are very simple to grasp.
If you are curious to learn more about the power of NLP and how you can begin to apply these techniques to your life,

you may already know that NLP is designed to help you get in touch with your true potential and help you become more successful. NLP training uses technical terms, like presuppositions and submodalities, to express specific modes of thought or beliefs that you need to have in order to achieve your desired results. The presuppositions of NLP are perhaps the most enlightening and important elements of the process, and once you begin to believe these ideas, you can automatically begin applying the NLP techniques. Your mind may even begin to develop unique strategies to help you become more successful in whatever area of life that you focus your attention on. John Grinder and Richard Bandler created these presuppositions in answer to the question that was burning on their minds: “What makes successful people so successful?” Regardless of the area of life in which the person had immense success, they found that 9 beliefs were commonly shared with every person. The first 4 presuppositions of NLP are listed below. “The Map is not the Territory” This belief has to do with the fact that everyone experiences life differently. Since you will have a different life experience and pattern of events that have occurred in your life than your friend, you will inherently have different viewpoints. In other words, the map that you have created is not the full territory because you can only process so much information in your mind at one time. The basis of this belief is that your thoughts may not always reflect reality.“There is No Failure Only Feedback” Failure is only perception in the mind, and you can learn from any experience in your life. If you learn something valuable from an event or circumstance that didn’t turn out exactly as you planned, you have not really failed. Problems are something that can be overcome if you put in a place a mindset that says that every challenge will be a learning experience. “Every Behavior has a Positive Intention”This belief is widely contested because every behavior doesn’t have a positive outcome for everyone, but it does have a positive intention. “The Meaning of Your Communication is the Response You Get”If you have received a response that you did not want or you didn’t get a response at all, the basis of this belief is to re-evaluate how you communicated your message so that you can present it with more clarity the next time. The way that you communicate with others will ultimately determine how they respond to you and interact with you in return. This presupposition shows the importance of strong communication skills and the power to influence others through your language. Learn more about the presuppositions and other techniques with NLP training in a downloadable format.