Live well and live healthy because life is short.The old saying goes; life is short so pack it full. Remember the small things in life around you that make it worth living!
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There is more than likely a reason why you don’t feel so well……..
Does your day consist of getting out of bed everyday when the alarm clock goes off at the same time every morning? Then you follow a routine of getting dressed brushing your teeth and fixing your hair. After that you have a good yawn on the way to prepare some breakfast, maybe the same cereal as yesterday. Then you may read the morning paper briefly; just the depressing headlines, and afterwards grab your briefcase/ rucksack/Lunchbox or whatever it is, give a quick peck to the wife who is also on her way out, and head off to work.
You spend the day at work getting brow beaten by some supervisor that looks like he could be your grandchild, with an hour for lunch, and a few minutes for tea. At the end of the dreary day you commute home again also through the same traffic you battled on the way to work. This traffic most likely consists of thousands of drones just like you! At home you cook dinner with your wife as the captain of the kitchen, or heat up something, maybe a TV dinner together, and plunk yourself down in front of the T.V. Then it is bedtime again and off you go to sleep. Tomorrow is the same; tomorrow is the same; tomorrow is the same…….
People have forgotten how to LIVE
If you are someone born in the 80’s then you will often hear the older generation reminiscing about the good old days when things were simpler and people really knew how to live. People pursued their dreams back then and even achieved them. People would dare to try something, anything to spice up life. People married back then are still married today. The reason for this is because they still appreciate each other and more importantly the little things that make life living every day. Have you forgotten that you have a purpose in life?
Do Remember the sensational movie Pretty Woman?
A particular moment that really struck a chord in me in the movie everyone has seen twice was when the executive took his shoes on to step on the grass. This simple feeling of joy of such a small thing could not be bought with all the money he had. This was something that he had forgotten. This is also what we have forgotten which is the joy harmony and life all around us . The Movie Pretty Woman really strikes a chord deep down in all of use, stirring thoughts and feelings, and also bringing back memories: hopes and dreams; fears and doubts; guilt and regrets; unfinished business; broken promises; sold-out dreams. Remove the scales from your eyes and see again…..
Start tomorrow on a new clean sheet.
You are the only one that can make life worth living again. You are the only one that can break the chains of drudgery. Dare to be daring like you were when you were young, appreciate every small thing like the smell of fresh air, the blue sky above, the beauty of a flower. It really does not matter if you live in the city or in the country; there is beauty all around new if you just look for it!
Making positive changes in your life begins with you. Setting new goals and challenges for yourself with new dreams on the horizon to go after will give you new life. Appreciate getting up in the morning that you are alive; go through the day with a welling up deep inside you of positive energy. Know that today is the day that will be different and tomorrow will bring new hope. Laugh and be joyful that you are alive with a purpose in life and that is because God said so.
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