Have you ever stumped your toe and the most fowl words hung on the tip of your tongue? Maybe when a gorgeous babe walked by, you caught them checking you out. Perhaps the dry cleaners ruined your out
Have you ever stumped your toe and the most fowl words hung on the tip of your tongue? Maybe when a gorgeous babe walked by, you caught them checking you out. Perhaps the dry cleaners ruined your outfit and a few choice words came to mind. Suppose a check was delivered to you in the mail, by mistake. Consider if someone set out to hurt you and the perfect opportunity arose to get even.
Have you ever found yourself in a position where, if you just keep your mouth shut, you'll receive the credit? Perhaps you observe the keys in another's car. Maybe you're in a different town where no one would notice you visiting the local bar. Or, you're on vacation at the beach, where church members will never see how you dress.
Have you ever been tempted when a store clerk doesn't notice the extra item in your cart? Maybe you think a tranquilizer really would calm your nerves. Suppose you ran across a girly magazine and it kept saying, "Just one look." Sometimes, that's all it takes.
Satan couldn't tempt us if there wasn't some small secret part in us that wanted the temptation. The same advice we give our children works for us. Just say, "No."
When we come to the place we no longer want the temptation, we don't want that path, we know it will hurt us, and we wish the temptation to forever go away ... then God says, "Your wish is my command" (or words of like meaning).
Instead of asking God to help "us" with our temptation (works - II Ti. 1:9), we can ask Him to forever remove it. Committing it to God makes Him the Divine Keeper (II Ti. 1:12, I Pe. 4:19). What God does is a done deal! And, that's a load off our backs.
He made a way to escape, I Co. 10 :13. Now, that's Good News!
© by Joyce C. Lock
This writing may be used in its entirety, with credits in tact,
for non-profit ministering purposes.
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