Allowing Others to Sabotage Your Online Success
Achieving online success in any type of business will require for you to be self motivated. Sometimes however people we are close to tend to make us doubt the path we chose thereby stealing our confidence, Read on to see how & why others we trust disrupt our business focus making our road to success more difficult!
Achieving online success in any type of business will require for you to be self motivated. Let's face it the internet environment can be a lonely one in terms of having the benefit of the support of others! Invariably however you will come across friends and/or family who will share their doubts about what you are doing and this can deplete your confidence! This type of negative influence,

although not intended to be disruptive, can have a negligible effect on your business focus. In fact if you allow self doubt to creep into your thinking it will make everything you do harder and less effective. Why is it that people we are close to can actually be a negative influence on how we think or even perform in regards to our business ventures?
Here are 3 reasons people tend to cast doubt on our entrepreneurial endeavors and how this can disrupt your business focus!
In most cases people have limited or no knowledge with what you are doing. In cases like this it is natural for them to have questions or doubts which can have a negative influence on your business focus or motivation. When people close to us voice their doubts about something we tend to listen without recognizing these opinions are often groundless! Ignorance is a terrific breeding ground for naysayers! Remember most people felt until 40 plus years ago man would NEVER land on the moon!
Being that most people normally will not even take action like you any success you have would be a loud 'exclamation' point to their own fears and reluctance! Here too any negative influence you may feel is motivated by their own fears and not by their desire to see you fail! If people feel they can not succeed at something it is normal that they assume most people will also encounter the same difficulties as well! Nobody likes the feeling of 'what if' or being left behind!
Promotes Inner Doubts
Any comments unintended or otherwise that may be negative will naturally have you questioning your own motivations or intentions. This is especially true when these comments are coming from people we know and trust. Once the 'seed' of doubt creeps into your thoughts your every effort is harder. Each and every setback you encounter of which there will be many is further magnified in your mind! Now lessons you may have learned are perceived more as signals that you have chosen the wrong path! Your ability to be self motivated is replaced by your fear that you are making a huge mistake! Your focus is disrupted, your efforts are not as effective and your chances of success are greatly diminished!
Becoming an online success as an entrepreneur will call for you to be both self motivated along with a very keen business focus. The internet offers many distractions and little positive feedback in terms of a support system like you would typically encounter in an offline work environment. You truly are going it alone therefore it is very important to avoid any negative influence that can undermine your motivation and performance! Surprisingly enough our own families and friends can sometimes unintentionally offer the very negative influence that we are trying to avoid! The reasons for this are simple and explain in our discussion above but the point is to be forewarned is to be forearmed! Intentional or not, knowing that these people can have a negligible impact on your business focus it is best to keep them at arms length! In this way you can remain strongly self motivated allowing you to progress more quickly towards the goals you have set!