Are They Your True Friends? How Do You Determine?
Everybody does cherish having true friends, but the challenge is to identify who they are from a couple of buddies one has. It may turn to be the controversy of the egg and chick.
Are you sure you have true friends? Mmm…. You don’t know how to tell? Is it a situation like that of an “egg and a chick?” Yah,

the apparent situation, which of course is rare and will end up making one to have no clear answer. By the way, which one comes first: an egg or a chick? It is an Egg. If it’s an egg where did it come from? Then it’s a chick. If it’s a chick where did it come from? It is an, it is a chick…blah blah.
Ha...Ha! I am not teasing you all I mean by this is that at a times it could be apparently tough to differentiate between your true friends and deceive ones. Some are too smart to tell and you may not come to know what their friendship is up to.
Some others are genuine and they are always on your side during desperate moments. They do everything to ensure that you’re okay. I mean they’re there during your happy and down fall moments.
But there are others who will get miles away the moment a disaster strikes your life. You can easily tell that after all their friendship was insincere and it was because they wanted something from you which you don’t have now.
Imagine losing your job and after a few months you’re left with no single cent in your pocket. Then suddenly a clue pops in your mind on how to get some money. You remember Martha as your friend. Of course, you have been spending time with her as good friends. You figure out that she can actually lend you $3000 at least to keep you going for the next two months or so till you secure another job.
You go ahead and call her. But unfortunately she is not answering your phone. You know why? She knows that you got fired and she is hundred percent correct that you’re going to ask her for help. Since you don’t know why she is not answering your phone, you decide to go to her apartment.
Good luck! You find her and you request her to lend you the amount. Instead of her helping you, she starts to mention the number of bills she has to pay. The worst next thing Martha does is broadcasting that you were borrowing money from her to friends. In short she is not there for you and you have a clear mind that she was not a true friend.
Here is how you Determine a True Friend:
1. Will be willing to help the moment she figures out that you need assistance even without you telling her.
2. She will be always ready to support you no matter what it costs her.
3. She doesn’t anticipate for any gain out of her help to you.
4. She doesn’t go broadcasting your troubles to people.
5. She will never undermine you.
6. She will always correct you where you go astray.