As Soon as You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How to Live

Aug 29


Joyce Shafer

Joyce Shafer

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Right answers help us move forward in our outer lives. Right questions move us forward at the inner level. Everything we experience in our lives originates as an inner thought. Here are some right questions and interesting answers about what blocks what we desire flowing easily to us.


Do I trust Spirit?

Yes. No matter how I may label experiences while living them,As Soon as You Trust Yourself, You Will Know How to Live Articles every one of them has been/is ultimately for my highest good. Outcomes included my moving away from something or someone to create space for something even better; opening myself to learn and grow only to use this to assist one or more people, whether 10 minutes, days, or years down the road; something I never imagined needed to connect with me to move my life forward . . . and the list could continue.

What do I know about Law of Attraction?

It never fails to follow my Word.

Which is more important: Law of Attraction or my Word?

My word, of course. The Law IS, just as gravity is. I need to know it exists and how it works (recognize cause and effect), and consciously co-operate with it. I’m responsible for every word I convey for Law of Attraction to follow.

Does Law of Attraction work for others, but not for me?

No. It works impartially, non-judgmentally for everyone always and in all ways.

Why do I focus on what I don’t want rather than on what I do?

  • This is a learned habit.
  • I base expectations on prior experiences; and the irony is the only reason I had such experiences is because they were what I focused on or a thought I had that had enough emotional charge to attract it into my experience (my Word), otherwise known as the self-perpetuating cycle.
  • Fear. 

What happens when I hold onto any fear or doubt?

Fearful and doubtful thoughts can only create more experiences that match these vibrations. If I trust/know that Spirit is always ready to provide only the best for me

 . . . if I know Law of Attraction works without fail . . . if I know my Word is Law, I can only conclude there is something about me I don’t trust.

“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Where does such self-mistrust come from?

  • Opinions and comments of others
  • Results considered by others to be “true measures of success” valued more than conscious participation in the process of learning, growing, expanding, and Being . . . me
  • Subjected to shameful “should’s” and “shouldn’t’s” first by others, then by me . . . to myself and infringed by me on others 

Many of us were indoctrinated to believe we are separate from Spirit rather than of it . . . rather than know we are individual expressions of Spirit. We were taught to believe we’re less rather than beloved; taught to believe we are powerless rather than empowered by Spirit because we are of Spirit. We were taught we have to earn the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven rather than the Kingdom of Heaven is within, as decreed by Spirit.

We, too often, choose to believe and live man’s limiting, often shaming words to attract our experiences rather than Spirit’s Truth. To know Spirit is to be Spirit.

As soon as we trust our true nature, we will know how to live.

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