Often, in today’s fast paced world, we forget to take a break during our working day. We simply figure we will get much more done if we eat on the run, have less or no breaks, and work more hours.
The real truth, though, is that this is counter productive and ruins the health of those trying to cram more into their day. Quality of work deteriorates and often people succumb to illness due to lack of focused physical activity and poor diet normally brought on by consumption of convenience food.
I regularly hear the same old argument as to why these people cannot become more physically active. Lack of time! They say forty-five minutes in a gym is not possible or practical. While, in the long term, what they require is a life style change if they want to enjoy good health as they get older, in the short term such people need instantly accessible methods to de-stress and do some good for themselves physically.
If they can do just five minutes twice a day initially it is a start. Perhaps once they experience the benefits of such short sessions they may well be encouraged to integrate more physical activity into their lives.
If you are feeling stressed at work (or at any time) and you feel yourself flagging try this simple breathing exercise to unwind and recharge your batteries, mentally and physically.
Congratulations. You’ve just done something positive for your internal health and stress levels simply by focusing on your breath and body!
© Tim Webb 2005
Flood Your Mind With Empowering Images!
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