Busy Work Does Not Boost Productivity Online
Many mistakenly assume that busy work helps keep them productive and this is quite often the case for many online marketers! To build a money making business online there will be challenges that many may tend to avoid by sticking with only what they know! Read on to see 3 reasons this approach can actually keep an internet entrepreneur from achieving any success at all!
Many mistakenly assume that busy work helps keep them productive and this is quite often the case for many online marketers! It is both common and understandable for the typical internet entrepreneur to not venture outside their comfort zone! For most anybody trying to build a money making business online there will be many new challenges that tend to push them outside their zone of comfort! Their response quite often is to simply stay busy with those tasks they're most familiar with feeling they are still making progress! Sadly for the most part this is not the case and here are 3 reasons why!
Suffocates Creativity
By performing many remedial tasks that keep you occupied all while feeling you're making progress you can lull your mind to sleep! Having an 'active' and 'alert' mind opens the door for more creative thinking which of course is always something that gives you an edge as an internet entrepreneur! However maintaining a state of 'semi-consciousness' when busying yourself with less than challenging tasks can suffocate your creativity and problem solving abilities! And speaking of problems...
Hides Problems
Much like not paying attention to the road when you are driving your own preoccupation with things of lesser importance can keep you from noticing problems! This is a huge concern when building a money making business since problems left unattended or unrecognized can cost you big in terms of income or even failure! When working online it is mandatory that you do so with eyes wide open or success will never be yours to claim!
Fosters Inefficiencies
Much like not noticing problematic situations as they may arise you also can easily overlook ways to increase your own efficiency! Believe me when I say that anytime you can find a way to be more efficient you are definitely making progress and not just simply fooling yourself into thinking so! Efficiencies gained means less time and effort need to be exerted and this always has a positive impact on your bottom line!
Busy work does not always mean you're making progress and this is especially true when trying to build a money making business online. The typical internet entrepreneur will encounter numerous challenges that may force them outside their comfort zone,

but this is how they grow and prosper. Taking the route of keeping busy with only tasks with which you're most familiar can actually hold back any internet entrepreneur trying to build themselves a money making business! The discussion above points out 3 key areas of growth that can be severely limited when such a 'head in the sand' approach is used! Remember your success and prosperity is closely related to your willingness to take chances, learn new things and operate outside your comfort zone! If making progress is what you strive to achieve, than taking chances is something you'll need to become more comfortable with!