As a busy wife, mother and business owner, I was inspired to write this article as I noticed myself 'spinning' around while multi-tasking. Life was clouding my knowledge and intuition around the concept of being present. Writing this article reaffirmed my own commitment to noticing the perfection in the moment and the joy of "being" with all my senses. I am very excited to share it with you!
What’s next? Did I remember everything I needed as I race to the car? Which calls should I return on the way? Did I forget to defrost dinner? What time do I have to meet up with the contractor back at home?
WHOOSH – Our minds take us on a wild ride. Thoughts are rushing like an ocean wave. We have a sense that we could have done something better or should have done something differently. Multi-tasking can bring us energy, but at a high cost. Our body’s system is stressed and adrenaline production increases. Adrenaline creates a feeling of energy, but it is not a healthful source of energy. Making a shift from multi-tasking to being consciously present in the moment you are experiencing can be life changing. You will create healthy energy in the present moment without compromising your body’s chemistry. If you sense you are ready to step off the wild ride and onto your own personal path that feels perfect for you, start now!
Breathe deeply and notice where you are physically. Observe your surroundings. Notice the people, sounds, animals, and objects around you. Pay attention to how you are feeling. Orient yourself to your NOW. Bring your mind to this moment by engaging your physical senses and your inner awareness. As you do, notice your improved clarity and focus and a feeling of fresh energy.
Feeling refreshed, notice the sense of peace that envelops you as you place your attention in the present and relinquished thoughts of “should haves” or “could haves.” A way to deliberately create an experience of being present almost instantly is in being with a child. Whether you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or neighbor to a child, decide to engage in an activity. It may be active listening, a chance to create together, or to be in nature. The act of being present is magnified in the presence of a child. Children largely experience life in the moment. Joining in on that energy and choosing to be present yourself will speed your own personal evolution. Creating an opportunity to be who you want to be helps you to have more of that wonderful feeling in your future. Try other ways to create present moment opportunities.
Putting an end to multi-tasking and choosing to put your attention to the present are two steps toward personal peace and well-being. The next part is making a choice to accept yourself and your situation for now. Accepting that you are where you are meant to be right now, allows you to tap into your own source of well-being. Personal peace is an active choice to be in a place of acceptance. Your moment in time right now may be joyous or it may be pain filled. If you are in pain, notice it as a challenge through which you will experience much personal growth. Be assured that even in pain you can achieve well-being. Your present moment awareness to the pain as perfect can awaken you to the growth opportunity that will follow. Open yourself to discovering the value of the pain, and to your desire to know what is in store for you. Rather than dwell in the discomfort of pain, and ask, “Why me?” and sink deeper into sorrow, let your heart open. Release your resistance and reach across the gap from pain to growth. Be open to the new experience that lies before you on the other side of pain. If your present experience is joy-filled, express gratitude for all that you have and intend to have more of the same in your future.
In coaching a client recently, I noticed a phenomenon happening that I have termed “The Puzzle of Perfection”. By a puzzle, I envision the coming together of seemingly dissimilar pieces, in perfect harmony. My client shared that she opened up a conversation with her husband on a topic that was previously bringing her stress. In doing so, she discovered what her husband truly wanted around this topic and she was able to express her desires. With this discovery came a feeling of financial and creative freedom for my client. Concurrent with this discovery, ‘doors’ instantly opened for my client. Suddenly, things she was hoping for and waiting for became reality. So, when we create a moment of focused energy (the discussion with the spouse) we release stress, fear and worry. We begin to dwell in a sense of well-being. While in this place of well-being, we notice magic happening, desires manifesting and wishes coming true. The puzzle pieces come together naturally and effortlessly. We feel a sense of wholeness as all the pieces of our desires come together. This is the “Puzzle of Perfection.” Allow the “Puzzle of Perfection” to happen to you!
Your point of power is in being present! With the power of presence comes peace. Those thoughts of “could haves”,“should haves,” and what others think of you and your choices, have vanished. The space created in you by the absence of such feelings makes room for peace and well-being in you.
Choose peace within yourself. You have the power. Release fear and imagine it floating away. Allow well-being to fill you. Enjoy designing your own personal path to peace! Explore a complimentary coaching session with me, Carla C. Hugo, to ignite changes in you now.