Is it evening and you realize you can’t remember what you’ve done all day? If you are at work and you can’t remember if you did ... why not ... an 8-10 hour ... In the first hour sq
Is it evening and you realize you can’t remember what you’ve
done all day?
If you are at work and you can’t remember if you did something, why not visualize an 8-10 hour calendar?
In the first hour square, maybe you’ll see a report you
did framed in heavy gold, meaning you did good.
The second square, you had a meeting where the boss patted you on the back and
said *Good job!* meaning your meeting with the boss turned out great!
What did you do the third hour? Make a visual representation of it. Do the same for every hour -- or even half hour if you want.
If you are an at-home Mom, why not visualize an imaginary clothesline in your mind, or something similar that can depict your activities all day.
Now, let’s say you baked a cherry pie, went to the library, one of the kids had a school play, etc.
Look at your clothesline, under the first clothespin you see a pie and the cherries are falling out. You baked a cherry pie.
Under the next clothespin is a book and you can see on the open
pages the pictures telling what the book was about. You went to
the library.
Under the third clothespin will be the script your child studied for the last week. You went to his/her play.
What else did you do today? Just add a visual representation of it under your clothespin. You’ll be surprised how much this helps you.
Be creative. Enjoy your day -- and know that at the end of it, you’ll
remember everything you did!
*** TIP: This can also work for trying to remember what you want
to do! Simply, in the morning, look at the clothesline of things
you want to do or the 8 hour calendar of things you want to
Accomplish. If you make a strong enough visual representation, you’ll remember everything easily.
Copyright 2002, Jan Tincher, All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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