When seeking abundance in life, are we not really searching for a feeling of purpose, bountifulness and prosperity rather than for material needs? Learn how to achieve inner peace, abundance, and a sense of purpose in your life.
Are you interested in putting abundance to work in your life?
According to the dictionary, it's described as "a great or plentiful amount". I imagine that's a good beginning point. I feel you must start to ask yourself, "What is it that I want prosperity in?".
A lot of folks affiliate this idea of being prosperous to financial concerns. While this is an important area, all arenas of your life can give you a feeling of having "a great or plentiful amount". Which leads me to a thought.
To me, seeking prosperity in my life is a pursuit for a feeling. Isn't there a sensation you get when you feel prosperous? When you become aware of a new realization in your spiritual life, you feel fulfilled inside. You have a sense of fulfillment. You experience inner peace. When you maintain your financial matters properly and everything is taken care of, you feel that inner peace.
Isn't that how you feel in these happenings? It is for me. This is accurate when I take care of my health and I exercise. Or when I invest time to shut off the TV and read in order to realize something new. I'm bettering my mind and I feel that abundance. I feel the stillness and peace within myself.
So, to me, although the definition of abundance seems to speak of acquiring or obtaining something, it's not those material things that I want, it's that "feeling".
Can you relate to this? Are you fed up with feeling a little empty, a bit lost, a little out of touch with yourself and what makes you, you? If so, I think it's time you slow things down a little and start to go more within yourself to dig up the solutions.
It wasn't until I began to do this that I saw what was truly significant to me. When you search for life abundance and that feeling of inner peace, it helps you to cancel out everything the media, television, or family have influenced you with since you began this journey called "life".
You realize how to filter all this information out and get to the bottom of what makes you fulfilled. You begin to see who your true being is and what you need.
Will all your issues be solved in one day? Heck, no!
But inner peace moments come more often. More moments where you realize, "You know, my life is abundant in so many ways." And as time goes on, you learn to piece more moments like these together and those moments last longer.
Ultimately, I think that's what we're all here to do. We are here to find out how to understand ourselves to the point where we live a fulfilled life of tranquility. An existence where we know deep within ourselves that we simply "fit" whatever life destiny we've built for ourselves.
If the key to you achieving a life of abundance is sensing yourself more, are you ready to start digging? Are you willing to encounter the concerns within that obstruct you from spiritual, emotional, physical, or financial abundance?
I think it takes a bit of time, a little work (on yourself) to realize the "whole", abundant life you're seeking. We live in a "give it to me now" or "fix me now" society. But you're extraordinary. What may be easy for you is hard for others and vice versa.
It's true that some challenges can be mended right away by just determining to change. But I recommend you be understanding of yourself. Grant yourself the time to let change come to you naturally.
Many of your issues can be traced to the "friction" between the conscious and subconscious aspects of yourself. You need to instruct your conscious mind to settle down so you can become acquainted with the deeper "you". This deeper "you" will let you know your life purpose and enable prosperity to flow into your life in all the important areas.
Take the time to investigate within, find your purpose in life, and grasp how much your mind's thoughts either stop you from achieving a life of abundance or help you find real inner peace.
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