Creativity and the Acquisition of KnowledgeThe great Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge". Truer words have never...
Creativity and the Acquisition of Knowledge
The great Albert Einstein once said,

"Imagination is more important than knowledge". Truer words have never been spoken, and he is definitely one that would know. Although skilled in the disciplines of physics and mathematics, it was not the knowledge of these subjects that led to his groundbreaking formulas. Rather, it was his self-developed skill in properly UTILIZING his imagination that empowered him to discover new knowledge, literally dreamed into reality from nothing, that began to unlock the hidden secrets of the universe. Only after his imagination brought his theories to light could he begin to interpret this new knowledge in the languages of science.
Imagination is regarded by many as mere fantasy, as if nothing imagined could ever be real. Fantasy is certainly a product of imagination, but, as Einstein has well proven, imagination is capable of producing a great deal more. The discovery and realization of knowledge always precedes any possibility of understanding or explaining knowledge. The Logic of scientific disciplines cannot attempt to explain a hypothesis until after the imagination conceives a hypothesis. Without imagination science is meaningless, in fact without imagination science could never exist.
When we close our eyes, and thereby draw a curtain over the world outside the mind, we dwell in a space that at once seems localized inside of our head and yet, when viewed from inside, has no discernible boundaries. An infinite inner universe where we have complete freedom to create whatever we wish. Absolutely nothing exists in this space except that which we ourselves manifest. In this regard we all exist as the supreme being of this inner universe where the only limits of creation are those we impose on ourselves.
Neural Ergonomics empowers practitioners to seek mastery over their inner space and to expand its limits and applications far beyond any borders to infinity.
A Complimentary Approach
This article began with an explanation of Ergonomics as having two distinct and complimentary methods of application. One method pertains to designing tools and environments that harmonize with our natural body mechanics. The other method pertains to training the body itself to interact within its environment in harmony with its own natural mechanics. Thus the ultimate aim of Ergonomics is to achieve a Utopian state of perfect harmony between the body and its environment.
Neural Ergonomics embraces the same overriding philosophy and also utilizes a similar complimentary approach. However, a change of context from the Ergonomic paradigm shifts emphasis to achieving harmony between the mind and its environment. In this new context the mind is defined as the pure energy our thought or being, and the environment now encompasses the brain, the body, and the world outside, together as one.
One approach of Neural Ergonomic method introduces environmental elements designed with the aim of stimulating the mind to induce favorable Neuroplastic response. The complimentary method depends on the practitioner learning to utilize the stimulus to maximum advantage and thereby amplify Neuroplastic response to its greatest effect and practical realization.
Down to Earth
As mentioned earlier the mind and body share many attributes of design because they were both created by the same designer. Notice there was no mention regarding the nature of the designer. This subject could spark endless debate about the nature of the mind, its relationship to the body, questions of religious dogma, and the very nature of life itself. Neither the rigors of science nor blind faith of religion has yet to resolve these issues. Neural Ergonomics does not profess sublime hidden knowledge or attempt to explore or explain the mysteries of life.
The fact that we humans are self-aware, coupled with the fact that our self-awareness of our own consciousness is all that we truly know, behooves us to understand the nature of this awareness. We may never discover the truth about the nature of our existence or the force that brings us into being. But even though we don't know exactly what this force is, we do know something about its behaviors, and we can utilize this knowledge to significant advantage.
Neural Ergonomics studies these behaviors to better understand the nature of the interactions between the mind and its environment. The aim of Neural Ergonomics is to develop principals of design and methods of application to empower the mind in its journey of self-propelled discovery.
Neural Ergonomics is focused on producing practical results by working to stimulate, revive, and amplify the brain's primordial ability to think for itself. Neural Ergonomic training is designed to work directly with the brain's Neuroplasticity to greatly extend the brain's capabilities which in turn expands the mind to ever higher levels of awareness. Practitioners of Neural Ergonomics reap tremendous benefits with respect to mental health and well-being, and quality of life in all aspects. Over time, regular practice can produce phenomenal results.
Neural Ergonomic methods empower the individual to reclaim and amplify their inherent organic potential of brilliant creativity blended with the decisive deductive reasoning of critical thinking. Neural Ergonomics embodies a philosophy in stark contrast to the prevailing culture fostered by an education system that merely presents us with information to assimilate, instead of fulfilling its more noble calling of teaching us how to think for ourselves.