Finding Time - 3 Tips to Overcome Your Rebellious Procrastination

May 10


Paula Eder, PhD

Paula Eder, PhD

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If you ever feel powerless at work, learning how to transform your resentment will help you overcome procrastination. To learn 3 basic tips, read on.


Time management techniques reach far beyond simple efficiency tools. Enhance your effectiveness by developing more productive responses to conflicts at work than procrastination.

Do you find yourself so resentful at work or at home that you undermine yourself? Did a project everyone was counting on you to finish “somehow” get seriously delayed?

If so,Finding Time - 3 Tips to Overcome Your Rebellious Procrastination Articles avoid the trap of rationalizing, blaming others, or giving up on yourself. These simply deprive you of more of your valuable time.

Instead, use these 3 strategies to translate your time into effectiveness. Following these tips will help you develop assertiveness, productivity and self-esteem.

Tip #1: Face Yourself Squarely:

Don’t judge yourself. Just monitor your internal muttering. Are any of these time-waster messages familiar?

“I don’t want to!” That’s the voice of your resistance. You may even be able to envision yourself at three years of age, hands on hips, stamping your foot.

“You can’t make me!” and “I don’t have to!” Your Rebel’s attitude. Is your focus supporting yourself or proving you can balk at the other person’s request?

“I forgot!"This is your 'Rebel under Wraps'. You defy someone you’re angry at by undermining the project. You may do this in one of two ways. Either you complete your task late or never complete it. Either one can lead to dire consequences and loss of trust.

Tip #2: Recognize Procrastination’s Flimsy ‘Payoffs’:

If you haven't owned up to what drives your choice to procrastinate, explore it now. Your power to use your time productively depends on your identifying and changing your motivation.

Do you enjoy seeing how you can hold things up?

Do you feel you can't refuse a task, but you can drag your heels?

Do you use delaying to express what you can't put in words?

Are there other payoffs?

Tip#3: Utilize These Strategies to Stop Procrastinating:

Identify the situation (not personalities) you resent, as specifically as you can. You can't alter others' personalities, but you have significant power to change the situation by relating more responsibly.

Brainstorm alternatives that fairly address the problem. Your goal is to arrive at solutions that take everyone's needs into consideration.

Develop assertiveness. Negotiate for what you need directly and appropriately. The more you work at this, the more skillful you will become at setting boundaries and resolving conflicts.

Envision how much power you would like to exercise over your life. Make these images as specific as you can. Consistently look to yourself to make your life work. The more proactive you become, the more easily you’ll strategize for effective solutions.

Ending procrastination will not only ease tensions at work and at home; this also excels as a method for finding time and enhancing your actual power!

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