Do you feel like you are running in a squirrel cage? Can't keep up with it all? Learn how to utilize the X2 Rule, plus 5 powerful tips, to put you back in charge of your time!
Time management skills depend on your ability to estimate how long your tasks will take. Otherwise, they are an exercise in frustration. Fortunately, you can develop strong skills to allocate the right amount of time per task.
Enter the X2 Rule. Utilizing this rule and the accompanying 5 powerful tips will help you prepare schedules that are far more effective. As a result, your confidence in planning and coordinating projects will be enhanced.
The X 2 Rule – Always plan for things taking more time than you think. Whatever time you think a project will take, double it!
The X2 Rule effectively counters a common misconception – that you can complete a project in far less time than is really needed. Let's explore this distortion.
Five Reasons You May Deny Yourself the Time You Truly Need:
1. Perhaps you see yourself progressing more swiftly through a project than is possible.
2. Perhaps you need to collaborate with others who also face serious time constraints.
3. You may tend to envision the end point without clearly walking through the steps required to accomplish your goals
4. In your desire to please everyone, you might attempt to squeeze everything into your schedule.
5. Other projects of yours, also running behind schedule, compete for the time you had planned to use.
Five Essential Tips to Schedule Your Time Effectively:
Tip #1: No matter how long you think a project will take, automatically double that time for your estimate! If you complete it before it's due, don't worry – you'll have plenty of other activities to fit in.
Tip #2: Build in extra time for those who may need to assist you, as well. That way, you will be easier to work with and in a better position to negotiate for the cooperation you seek. Keep others in the loop about your needs, giving them as much advance notice as possible. Coordinate schedules in a collaborative way, and schedule weekly times to check in. Reduced urgency leads to fewer mistakes.
Tip #3: Envision the end point and then work backwards. You are far more likely to anticipate each step, and accurately predict the time needed, when you use this approach. Mark the deadline prominently on your calendar. Work backwards from there, logging in the participation of anyone who is involved in the project and allocating sufficient turnaround time for them, as well.
Tip #4: When faced with a time conflict between two commitments, take a deep breath and make a choice. Rather than short-change either project, re-assign one of them a different time or a different priority. If someone demands both within a limited time frame, explain it may not be possible. Ask them to clarify which project takes top priority.
Tip #5: If some of your projects always remain unfinished within the time frame you have, you will need to prioritize them. Start with the most important item and work down, as your time allows. If being the master of your time and your life is important to you, simplify your agenda. As your schedule reflects your effective planning, you can regain control of your time.
Utilizing the X2 Rule is an important way to ensure that your peace of mind is factored into the effectiveness equation. Never forget your assertive right to claim the time you need to get the job done. How can you increase your control of your time, and where will you find the guidance?
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