Do not hassle yourself down on roving all the shopping malls to get big discounts. This article will give you a brief run down of how to plan for coming next sale in town.
Do not hassle yourself down on roving all the shopping malls to get big discounts. Timing is of the essence in this regard. As the saying goes,
good things comes to those who wait, hence it is best to wait for the next sale that most shopping stores hold during holidays and mid or end of the year inventories. This article will give you a brief run down of how to plan for coming next sale in town.
Here is the list of suggestion on how to plan ahead of time before the next sale happen.
1. Formulate a plan or simply your list of items to buy.
In order to make a substantial list of the items you want to buy but cannot due to the soaring price range, invite friends to go out and window shop of the selected items and list the target stores that sell the items. Get to know with the shop design and layout, the positions where your target shoes or bags places in reference to the entrance.
2. Wear dress or outfit that are made of light materials and where you can freely move while shopping.
Walking in and out of the dressing room takes time already what more in changing up clothes to fit the dress you are about to buy. When shopping, wear comfortable walking shoes as well. Flats are highly recommended for this activity.
3. Know your body shape.
Before you go shopping for dress, you need to have the exact idea of your body size, hence this will save time in trying to fit for dresses or pants in the store. Another thing, you know which clothes exemplify the strong points of your body. This method minimizes error in buying the right clothe during rush sale.
4. Stick to the basic
During sales, people are rushing to buy cheap items. Hence, avoid trying out fashionable items that go out in style in the next season. As much as possible think ahead, sales happen because they need to sell the stocks before the season ends. Stick to the dress code that never go out on style like classic trench coat, black dress, red shoes so on and so forth.
5. Try fitting the items before buying.
It is better to fit the pants before swiping your card in the counter. Even if you have an eye for that pants for so long and here comes your chance to buy it in next sale, you will never anticipate if you have grown an inch from the last time you fit it in the dressing room. Ask for at least two sizes plus and minus, meaning when your waistline is 25, and then ask for 23-24 or 26-27 sizes of pants. This is to save time from running to the rack once again and ordering then waiting for the other sizes to arrive.
6. Ensure there is a return policy annotation in the store or the item you have bought.
There are shop that imposes to exchange and no return policy, so you have to be cautious in buying items that you are not sure if it fits your preferences. Hold on the two items that you are still in doubt of buying then when you are about to go to the counter, sort items again then make your final decision.
7. Get updates online
You cannot rely on billboard ads and other promos as your main source of information to get updates for the next sale. The internet is still your best choice when it comes of updates of news, events that include the exact dates for the next sale. Most big shopping stores host their business online for expansion purposes.
At the end of the day, shopping can be so much fun when you still have enough money left to buy for a bite to eat. Nonetheless, shopping cheap for the next sale is as effective in saving you not just money but time as well.