Retirement lifestyle expert Dr. Cynthia Barnett helps retirees understand how an attitude of gratitude every day can completely change one's outlook on life. Rather than mope in the doldrums, she demonstrates how gratitude helps us rise from sadness or loneliness to abundant living
Thanksgiving week is a perfect time to think about gratitude and to be thankful for the people and the events that have made our lives what they are. But gratitude, practiced daily – all year through – will improve anyone’s outlook on life. When we stop dwelling upon things in our lives that are not perfect or things we’d like to be different, our entire outlook on life changes. Gratitude makes each day better.
There was a wonderful song in one of the great old holiday movies. The refrain included this line: “when I’m worried and cannot sleep, I count my blessings instead of sheep, and I fall asleep counting my blessings.” It is very easy to be grateful when everything is going well. Many of us find it very difficult to be grateful when we are facing challenges or struggles in life. But gratitude helps us see each day differently.
Because Thanksgiving encourages us to be grateful, this is an ideal time to start a habit of gratitude. Here are five areas of life in which we should all be able to find reasons for gratitude.
I hope this Thanksgiving season will be the beginning of a new life in gratitude for every retiree. It is easy to get bogged down in the things that are not perfect. But cultivating gratitude for each day and for the events and the surroundings of each day can help us become happy just the way we are.
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