Handling Change

Jan 1


Sam Foo

Sam Foo

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If you are restless for change but at an impasse, read over the following basic principles of how to handle change or attract positive change. As you read, notice which one gives you a slight charge of energy. Let that principle be uppermost in your mind for the next few days.

  • Start by loving yourself. Appreciate the unique,Handling Change Articles stubborn, quirky, boring, fascinating, dumb, clever, wonderful, and nutty person that you are.
  • Tell the truth. What do you really need and want? Don’t be shy. What really matters to you?
  • Ask for a clever answer to your current question. Give the universe an assignment, such as “Show me what I need to do to find a new job.” Or “Show me what I need to see in myself in order to attract the best partner.”
  • Pay attention. Once you ask your question, stay alert. Listen to what your intuition tells you. What signs and signals do you see that indicate options or directions?
  • Listen for answers everywhere. Notice what kinds of answers show up through people, chance comments, books, events, dreams, or intuition.
  • Take right action. Contemplate where you are in life and the cycle of change. Are you beginning a phase that requires you to explore an unknown path or a new identity? Are you ending something that requires you to forgive, let go, or move on? Are you in the middle of something that requires perseverance?
  • Assume whatever happened, happened for a good reason. Reframe whatever is happening right now as if it were a positive development – even if it looks like a catastrophe (this may take weeks, months, or years in the case of severe loss, but it’s an invaluable exercise in helping to regain balance and a feeling of resourcefulness). Besides, this assumption is true at the highest spiritual level.
  • Use honesty, humor, patience, and forgiveness in all your dealings. Give up trying to be clever and competitive. Just be your down-home self.
  • Be open to what happens. Assume the universe has your best interests at heart and is working at this moment to help you achieve your vision. Why not?
  • Stay still until you can see what to do next. Even a personal change has some kind of natural cycle, because you are part of a natural system. Be aware of the cycle, and set your expectations in line with that natural system.

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