What could Homer Simpson possibly teach you about personal development and the keys to living the life of your dreams?
Do you like to watch cartoons? I'm sure you have seen the Simpsons at least once. But in case you have not I will tell you that it is about a dysfunctional American family. The head of the family is Homer and although he is a bad role model for his kids, a terrible husband and employee he can teach you a lot about personal development!
Homer says things that are such an accurate reflection of how people think that it is somewhat sad (although very funny). For example, he stated, "you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is; never try", and in another he said "trying is the first step towards failure".
Now although these quotes may be funny it is unfortunate that many people live their lives holding these very same views.
The problem with the modern mindset is the expectation of failure which therefore leads to the fear of even trying! The great majority of people believe that trying to attain their desires is a useless pursuit and could even damage their self confidence and self esteem. It is true that constant failure and the inability to reach your objectives can be damaging to your self belief. But, this can only occur if you allow it to happen. Why? Because, there is no such thing as failure - there is only giving up!
To quote another famous character, Yoda from Star Wars, "With you it is always what can not be done....... Just do, or do not! There is no try! " When you say you will "try" to do something, you are holding the expectation that you may fail. No longer try to reach your objectives. Instead expect to reach them!
In order to be successful with our personal development goals, or anything else in life, you must hold the expectation of success.
When you begin to recondition yourself mentally you will hit resistance. As you keep telling yourself that you will be successful and begin to concentrate on the things that you do want your subconscious mind will rebel. This is an unfortunate, but necessary, part of personal development. It will remind you how often in the past you failed. It will bring to your conscious attention all the factors that are against you. It will highlight all the obstacles that you now face and will face in the future. This is merely your own internal resistance. This resistance stems from negative mental programming but with persistence you can overcome this programming and with perseverance you can reach any goal!
Your expectation plays a major role in your life. In personal development, just like everything, you must expect to succeed. Expect miracles! Expecting success and resisting the urge to wallow in the negative thoughts that your subconscious spews at you will change your life in ways you cannot now imagine.
What is the wrong with this approach? After all it will do you absolutely no harm and only good. At the very least it will make you feel better, have a better attitude, enjoy your own company and allow others to enjoy it. It is important to be aware of the fact that your focus is everything in life. What you focus on always increases in your life. Your focus on anything expands that thing. Quantum physics is now telling us that consciousness itself is the driving force of the universe. It is the creator of matter. Direct your conscious attention towards what you want and away from what you don't want, with the expectation of success, and you will begin to attract to yourself miracles!
What is the worst that can happen? I suppose the worst is you will not get what you want. Always keep in mind that you cannot fail if you never stop pursuing what you want!
However, it is a universal truth that your focus determines your reality! If you begin to focus on what you have now that you are grateful for and also on what you want then you will create more of those things in your life. Expect miracles and you will get miracles! This is personal development at its most basic, and powerful, level!
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