Self hypnosis as a healing aid can dramtically improve you wellness and is so powerful it has been embraced by modern medicine. Find out what it can do for you!
Do you realise that a huge and growing number of medical practioners believe that 90 per cent of all illness begins in the mind?
With this view fast becoming the norm in medicine it isn't suprising that psychological treatments for illness are becoming more popular and readily available. In fact. hypnosis and self hypnosis have such a high success rate and proven track record that doctors readily suggest it to their patients.
One of the most popular and successful psychological methods for the treatment of physical illness is hypnosis. How the hypnotic process actually works is, surprisingly, still a mystery to modern science. However, its effects are well documented.
Although many people consider hypnosis to be some form of mind control that is influenced upon you by another person this could not be further from the truth. Because we give the hypnotist permission to guide us into trance all hypnosis is actually self hypnosis. During a hypnotic session you are not being controlled or manipulated. You are still in control and could never do anything that you thought was inappropriate or dangerous.
During a hypnotic state you merely feel the desire to please the hypnotist and, because you have already agreed to the process, you tend to accept his instructions and believe what he is telling you.
So, how can this self hypnosis state be used to promote better states of physical well-being and even eliminate some illnesses?
Well, research has shown that our thoughts have a dramatic effect on our health and general well-being. Our thoughts themselves are merely reflections of the bleifs we hold and these beliefs are themselves slaves to our emotions. Our emotions, in turn, are greatly influenced by our past experiences and how we view them in the present. Being able to alter all of these is one of the most powerful benefits of using self hypnosis.
Through self hypnosis it is possible to alter how we view our past experiences and remove or change the emotional charges we hold against them. Similarly we can also create visions of our future, with self hypnosis, and infuse these visualizations with positive, affirming emotions. The visions produced under self hypnosis are stored in the mind for latter access. When the mind calls up information from its subconscious storehouse it then reads from these visions and uses them as a blueprint for how it views the world.
As a health-aid it is therefore the role of self hypnosis to alter our internal belief systems to correspond to thinking process that promote health and general good well-being. To achieve this our emotions to certain beliefs must also be changed. This has proven to be difficult, time-consuming and slow with conventional psychological methods - this is not the case with self hypnosis however!
Anyone can use self hypnosis to enter a state of trance. Once in this relaxed state worded statements can be directed to the subconscious mind and visualization techniques used to change beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviours. This can be achieved with any subject matter. In fact, it can take as little as one session to accomplish this and no more than a few sessions a week over a period of one month.
As far as health goes self hypnosis can create dramatic changes in the body. As the human brain is the center, or controller, of the complex nervous system of the body it has the ability to send and receive signals from all parts of the body. The brain's ability to be in contact with the whole body and send instructions means that it has the ability to instruct cells and nerves to begin repair or reconstruction of any damaged system. As you can have direct access to the brain you can literally program it with your own instructions!
With self hypnosis you can gain access to the part of the mind known as the subconscious and program in instructions that have a dramatic effect on how the brain interacts with the nerves and cells of your body. Through the use of self hypnosis techniques you can actually change the blueprint your mind holds of your body to reflect health, strength and wellness. When the brain then accesses the subconscious mind to send instructions to your nerves and cells it reads this newly programmed blueprint imprinted on it through self hypnosis and immediately instructs the rest of the body to follow it - much like a computer system.
Therefore if your health is an issue that you would like to deal with my advice is simple. Apply some easy to learn self hypnosis techniques or use well-established self hypnosis recordings and you will change your mind and ultimately your body!
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