Expert advice on how to be happy and rich
"TODAY is the "Tomorrow" I was so worried about Yesterday...and All Is Well!"So, don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to a nearby town, to a foreign country, even down Memory Lane on occasions, but never go back down Guilt Street!Don't let too much of yesterday take up too much of your today!A wise person once said, "To understand all--is to forgive all.
"So, forgive anyone who may have harmed you. Most of all--forgive yourself for what you did--and what you neglected to do!Self-help expert Samuel Smiles said, "The man or woman who never made a mistake, probably, never made anything else, either!"Today is a new day! You can begin again today!If there is something you have left undone, or want to do, do it now, because tomorrow may be too late!Amish poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox said... "Smile, and the World Smiles With You. Weep, and You Weep Alone.
"As you go about your business, if, you should happen to meet a sad person who seems as if they have no smile left to give...consider giving them one of yours...because nobody needs a smile more than the unhappy person who feels they have no smiles left to give!One of Life's Biggest Secrets: PRETEND and ACT AS IF!Put on a Happy Face! Act as if you are happy and you soon will be!Advice form Billionaire, J.
Paul Getty: "The only way to get rich is to start your own business and work at making yourself rich, rather than your employer.
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