Learning ways to keep your marriage fresh and alive is an important step in having a great and wonderful marriage.
Marriage can be one of the trickiest things in the world. It is partially because you can only control yourself and not the other person. There will be times when you do not see eye to eye or feel like you`re going through a rough patch. It`s important to know that marriage is an up and down experience that will grow with you as you do! There are some simple ideas that can help keep you and your partner in a happy marriage.
Marriage is supposed to be for life and that means that ideally you would get married and be married forever. For many people they don`t get that far. And it`s either that forever just seemed too long,
or that the couple grew apart. There are several ways that marriages can be saved and recovered and maintained so that couples do not have to drift apart from each other.
It`s important to realize that being married means that you will spend a long time with that one person. And people change as they grow older. You might have met your spouse when you were a teenager and as you get older wonder why things aren`t the same as they used to be. You have to remember that people change from decade to decade. In your twenties you might have found more things funny, spent a bit too much money and went out every weekend. While now you find that quite evenings at home are best and that you don`t want to spend a dime.
Your spouse might not like the new changes, or you might not like that way that your spouse is acting, spending their time or behaving. The best thing to do is to try to grow along with your spouse. That involves keeping date nights once a week and try to get involved in the other person`s interest.
Keeping a date night once a week is a great way to stay connected and feel special. It is easy for married couples to put their marriage on the back burner, because there are lots of other things in life such as kids, work, money and situations that are out of our control. Having a night out creates a sense that your marriage is important and special.
Date nights do not have to cost any money. They can involve a late night walk, a bike ride, or inexpensive picnic of peanut butter sandwiches, sometimes the simpler the better. Although most couples do enjoy a nice dinner from time to time.
Sharing interests does not mean that you have to do everything with your spouse. It is important to find new things to do together that can keep things fun and new, while keeping some interests and hobbies separate. It is healthy for couples to still have a sense of independence and if you don`t does everything together than you have something to talk about on your date nights!
It is also crucial to remember that you need to be flexible with each other. You can`t control the other person, but you do require some respect. That means that your spouse should be able to go out with friends and co-workers and do extracurricular things such as a weekend away with a buddy, as long as they let you know and keep you posted.
Keeping a marriage happy is all about trusting the other person, loving them and growing with them on whatever crazy path they may take. And know that rough periods happen, expect them and move ahead from there.