How to Make Yourself Taller By Acting Like An Animal
Okay, not really. Well kinda. But not in the way you think... more on the animal reference in a minute. Now, you must want to know how to make yourself taller or you wouldn't be reading this right? Keep reading, and I'll show you some proven methods that are guaranteed to get the results you are after.
But first humor me if you will,

and picture yourself two to four inches taller. How would that change your life? I'm not talking about being able to reach the peanut butter in the top of the cupboard (though that would be nice as well). But how would it affect other aspects of your life?
For instance, are you still looking for that special someone? Both sexes, as a rule, are attracted to taller potential partners. Women love the "tall, dark and handsome" men, and men are attracted to women with "legs that never seem to end". We've all heard these cliches before, but how do these cliches come about? Because there is an element of truth to them.
And what about your career? Imagine this. You and a colleague are up for a promotion for the same position, and only one of you can get the job. You both have identical qualifications. The only difference is, he's four inches taller than you. Guess who would get the promotion nine times out of ten? Sorry to burst your bubble, but it would be your taller colleague.
I imagine you are thinking right now, "Well that isn't fair!" And I would have to agree with you. It's not fair. But the world isn't a fair place sometimes. People have to do what they can to get ahead, and get an advantage in this crazy world.
What I would like to do is give an advantage to you and show you how to make yourself taller with just a few of several exercises and stretches that have been proven to work to increase your height.
I have chosen three of the stretches to share with you. They are called the Cobra, the Super Cobra, and the Cat Stretch- all named after animals (now does my title make sense?) Do each stretch ten times, for about fifteen seconds each. Try to do them daily, if possible. Here in detail, is how to do each one:
- The Cobra Lie face down on the floor with your hands underneath your shoulder in the "palms down" position. Leading with your chin, begin to arch your spine. Arch as far back as is comfortable.
- The Super Cobra This begins where the Cobra ends (with your spine arched, and your arms perpendicular to the floor). Bend your hips and put your bum up in the air with your hands and feet still on the floor (like an upside down "V") and tuck your chin into your chest. Then return to the starting position.
- The Cat Stretch Start on your hands and knees with your elbows locked. Flex your spine down as you inhale while bringing your head up. Then exhale while bringing your spine up into an arched position ans simultaneously bringing your head back down.
These stretches are very effective but only a small part of an overall growth program. To truly see substantial gains, you must also know the right diet, supplementation, numerous other exercises, as well as other factors you may not have thought of like how to sleep right.