In this current climate it is very easy to lose perspective and give in to the doom and gloom around us. So here are some tips to help you re-focus on making the most of your business and your life. Try them out today!
1. Use a positive mental image (e.g. a holiday, a beach, a person/pet) to brighten up your day. Picture this image on your journey to work or have a few cheerful images around on your desk or working area.
2. Decide in your mind what attitude you are going to have for the rest of the day - make it a positive one! If you wake up and it is raining and you think you are going to have a bad day then that is exactly what will happen so turn it around, ignore minor frustrations and make the most of the day ahead.
3. Have some time off and enjoy yourself. Liberate yourself from day to day routine and indulge in something other than work. Give yourself some mental freshness every day even if it is only for 5 - 10 minutes!
4. Look after your body as well as your mind - a healthy diet and some exercise on a regular basis - works wonders for your whole self. Do something you enjoy - walking, yoga, swimming or biking - whatever is your thing.
5. And finally my thought for the month - "There is always a choice about the way you do your work even if there is not a choice about the work itself." So whatever you do make sure you do it with style and a positive attitude.
Scottish Clans - find our more
Clan is still something very important in Scottish mentality. The word “clan” is derived from Gaelic “clann” which means progeny, offspring, descendants. Its meaning in Scots is now connected rather more with tribe or race.What to buy in Scotland?
Having holidays of your life in Scotland? That’s just great! Probably you’d like to share your enthusiasm with your friends and family and buy them something connected with Scotland.Wildlife in Scotland
Scotland is beautiful country full of wild animals. Every season offers you unique possibility to enjoy local wildlife. In whole Scotland there are over 120 reserves.