This article talks about some things you can do to enhance your success and move more quickly to your goals.
Learning to enhance your focus is an absolutely critical faculty that will help you to achieve more of the things in life. As you begin to develop this over time,

it will become easy to have enormous productivity and momentum to your goals. Begin to put in the process now, and see the difference it can make for you. Here are the tips:
1. Learn to only think about the here and now
Don't get bogged down in your head, thinking about the future or the past. You will need to keep your attention firmly fixed in the now if you are to succeed in achieving your goals. When your mindset is on doing the things required for success, it will become easy for you.
The greatest mental resources come about when you are living in the moment and fully connected to the subconscious mind. This is that aspect of you that has all the necessary resources within it. When connected to the subconscious mind, you will be more creative, have better ideas and be able to push the momentum higher than ever before. As you put the effort in, so too will be the rewards which come from it.
This will certainly take some time to develop, so it isn't an overnight thing. The more you push your performance higher and achieve greater success, the more you will move closer to its achievement.
2. Write down everything you do, to be accountable for your actions
When you write down what you are doing, you become accountable to yourself. Without writing down and being accountable, little progress is made. This helps you to push your performance and move things upward. As performance is pushed, you will naturally find things like motivation, focus, creativity, decision making and everything else improve quite quickly.
Every time a major task is completed, you should write it down. As you write things down and get moving in the direction of your goals, all of the things that you want to create will become possible. This is the law, and will work wonders for you over time as you continue to put in the effort and enhance mental productivity and production going forward.
3. Write your goals down every day
Another aspect for developing high levels of focus is to write your goals down every day. When you do this, it becomes easy to push mental performance higher. You are strengthening certain neural pathways in your mind, and bringing more mental resources into that particular aspect of it. You should write out your ten most important goals every single day. This will help you to feel invigorated with motivation and desire.