As we are all aware, we live our lives in our minds, and when all those tiny neurons are being fed all the positive food, they have no choice but to be ........
... joyful. Of course, when they are elated,we are elated...wouldn't you be happy if you just had a wonderful meal?
Just ask yourself if you would even attempt to eat a rotten egg...naturally not! How about some sour meat? Or would you ever drink muddy water? Of course not! Why? Because we know it isn't good for us!
Sometimes I just have to wonder what those billions of synaptic connections are saying at their weekly meetings---they have to be discussing the topic of why this hugh conglomeration of DNA is absorbing enormous amounts of negative thoughts when it knows it's not good for them. They sit around their tiny radios and listen to us as we send them such things as “Now why did I do that?
I must be stupid!” Or “Why didn't I pay those bills last week? I just never think straight!”
They have to be wondering when we are going to transmit some delicious thoughts to them...when are we going to realize that we are only human, and are going to make mistakes.
If we are constantly “messing up”, then maybe we just need to get organized. Or possibly, we should learn to relax more by scheduling some personal time to listen to some soothing music. If its warm out, why not set a small table and a chair outside, make some iced tea, grab a good book(keep the neurons happy), and enjoy some sunshine while we think and read?
While taking it easy, why don't we remember that our world is not going to end just because we made a mistake. For if that was the case, then Adam and Eve would have been the only two people to ever exist. Plus, we may wish to remind ourselves that we didn't get where we are today by making mistakes all the time.
Since helping others always makes us happy, why not locate a nice large joke book, and while we are drinking our tea, read some jokes to all those wee wads of neurons, and make them happy---in turn, they will start pulsating with laughter, and tickle our innards so much that we will also start laughing.
And we may rest assured that before long, we will realize that out world did not come to an fact, it would soon dawn on us that maybe we ought to begin putting everything in it's proper order of importance.
By maintaining everything it it's proper order of importance, we very soon begin to view almost everyone and everything from a positive perspective; which in turn will cause those billions of brain cells to disconnect their axions and dentrites from the negative storage cells, and re-connect them to positive storage cells.
Then we soon discover that we are doing odd things that we thought little of before...such as eating good food, getting a good night's sleep,actually looking forward to exercising, and reading good books. And as we all know, the better we look and the more we learn, the more interesting we are, and the more interesting we are, the more others will want to be around us, and that means more friends, a very interesting life, and, of course, happier neurons.
Actually, that sounds like a good idea! What do you think?
Just Walking In The Rain
Normal 0 For those of you that are not aware of it, the title is the name of a song that, for whatever reason, I can stillAging
Normal 0 One of my many favorite sayings is: “My body lives in 2008, but the rest of me lives in the 1950's!” The reason my body lives in the year 2008 is because I made the mistake ofA Realistic Impossible Dream
Normal 0 I am totally indoctrinated in the belief that absolutely everyone should hold in their hearts and minds, an impossible dream – but it must be