Reclaiming your Heart Freedom as you integrate all 4 Freedoms brings about your healing. It really is that simple, despite how serious you might think your emotional and relationship issues are.
"Keeping Your Heart Open"
As you proactively manifest Heart Freedom, in the context of a monogamous committed relationship, your burden of fear, pain, and insecurity declines continuously and sometimes dramatically. You can heal wounds from childhood to the present quite naturally without extensive analysis. Reclaiming your Heart Freedom as you integrate all 4 Freedoms brings about your healing. It really is that simple, despite how serious you might think your emotional and relationship issues are. By opening your heart, you shift from a situation in which your past is powerful and you are powerless to one in which you are powerful and negative experiences from your past are powerless to influence your life now. Remember, the responsibility of the heart is to allow you to feel everything, both positive and negative. To keep your heart open you must act to support creating the relationship you want in spite of emotional discomfort. Acting merely to feel better, that is, avoiding emotional and psychological discomfort, sabotages your Heart Freedom. There can be no opening of your heart without the willingness to become emotionally transparent and vulnerable.
Dare to become emotionally transparent.
You must dare to risk feeling the pain and discomfort of rejection, judgment, abandonment, and any other negative state you might dread. Taking these risks, daring to have faith in the one you love and who loves you, is where freedom and healing reside. While there is no guarantee that your relationship will last forever in happiness, an open heart is your best chance to create the relationship happiness you seek.
Excerpted from our new book Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: The Four Freedoms of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul, by Al Link and Pala Copeland, Llewellyn, 2007
4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Under the Sky
Know that you are part of this wondrous vastness. The universe or cosmos contains everything that exists. The universe is believed to "vibrate" out of "strings." According to Dan Falk, "Each string is as small compared to an atom as an atom is compared to the solar system."4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - What's Good?
Generally your consciousness works to create more of what you pay attention to. Be careful what you pay attention to because you are going to get more of it.4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Seeing in the Dark
This exercise forces you to rely on senses other than sight. You might be amazed at how much you rely on sight for so many things. You might also be amazed at how many things you can do for yourself without being able to see.