Life's Curveballs

Dec 3


Selena Richardson

Selena Richardson

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Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone has ... it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has abad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw ... curvebal


Do you realize how good you have it? Yes,Life's Curveballs Articles everyone has problems,
but it could be worse than what it is now. Yes, everyone has a
bad day or two, but it could be worse. Life can throw some
serious curveballs at us sometimes.

Be thankful for the problems you have now and for those bad days
when they come. They are there for a reason - to help you learn
to pull through and to help you realize what you do want in life.

A lot of us don't know what we really want until we find out what
we don't want. Or we find ourselves in a situation that we truly
don't like.

By learning from these situations, finding out what we really
want and focusing on what we really want, that's how we get to
where we want to be.

You have a job that you despise. You hate going to work
everyday, you're boss is non-supportive, etc, etc. But you need
the money to pay your bills. You're in a catch-22. Do you quit
your job and be happy or do you keep your job and be miserable?

Well, I quit my job last month and I haven't been happier since.
Yes it's a little harder now but my husband is supportive and
understanding. It's better to have a little less cash flow than
to have a stressed out wife. Our home is more harmonious now and
I have time to do the things that I was too stressed out to do
before. New opportunities have opened up for me that wouldn't
have if I was still caught up in the corporate world dealing with
my day to day stress.

Raising kids and taking care of a household is a full-time job in
itself but adding a stressful job that doesn't pay what you're
worth makes you reconsider your priorities.

True, I could have found a different job but I would have just
put myself back into the same situation as before. I have a
background in computers so getting a technical job would have
been easy. But I didn't want to go back to that world and the
corporate world isn't that much better. So I decided to do what
was best for me and my family for the long run.

That job taught me a valuable lesson and I am thankful for it. I
learned what I didn't want in a job and I realized that I wasn't
going to be happy in a traditional work environment. I had to
create a job that I liked which is what I'm doing now with
Creation Journeys.

I'm not advising anyone to just up and quit their job. What I am
saying is that if you're in a situation that is not working stop
and figure out what the problem is. For me, the list of problems
with my old job was enormous, there was a serious management
issue going on and the right people weren't doing the right thing
about it. For you, it might be something that can be fixed.

Try and see the part that you don't like and find out what it is
you do like. This applies to any situation, not just work. Take
stock of the situation and look for a solution. There's no point
in complaining about something if you're not going to try and fix

We get hit with a curveball sometimes. That happens because we
need to get whacked upside the head every now and then. It's
just a way to point us back in the right direction. Yes, it does
hurt sometimes but you can prevent more curveballs by paying
attention to what it is you want and focusing on getting there.
The more you focus, the fewer curveballs. And if you're thankful
for the curveballs you do get and really appreciate the lessons
attached to them, they'll hurt less over time.

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