Spiritual methods used to make life better.
The notion of human beings as mortal is a concept that carries a lot of weight with most people. To put it another way, most people accept that humans are constrained by universal laws that limit what a person is physically able to achieve. Most of us accept the idea of such boundaries and limitations, even though we may at times imagine and fantasize of being able to alter our world is a very specific way. Accepting limitations is often seen as being realistic.
Those belief systems that challenge the notion of the human as a limited force are typically seen quite skeptically. The Law Of Attraction, for instance, advocates that people can and do make their worlds what they are simply through thoughts. So then people are where they are and are what they are because they've thought a certain way. This isn't some figurative approach either: Law Of Attraction states that people attract material things simply by thinking of them. It's probably no surprise that Law Of Attraction and its belief system of thoughts creating one's world has many critics among the general public.
A belief system that also advocates humans as active creators of their own reality is ho'oponopono. Ho'oponopono, unlike Law Of Attraction, does not advocate the idea of people being able to attract whatever they choose by thought alone; ho'oponopono instead states that people can change their lives for the better through submitting a proposal of sorts to a higher power and asking for positive change. This may give the impression that ho'oponopono is a religious form, but this isn't so, not in the way religion is generally considered at least. Ho'oponopono does believe in a higher form of existence, sometimes referred to as God and sometimes referred to as something else; but ho'oponopono does not adhere to the notion of worship and codes of behavior that if violated result in punishment.
The most vital question for most people would be whether ho'oponopono as a form actually results in a better existence. Evidence is certainly available that ho'oponopono gives one an improved outlook and a greater sense of optimism, so in that sense it could be said that ho'oponopono does indeed work. This evidence likely wouldn't be absolutely enough for some of the people who question the claims ho'oponopono makes, but ho'oponopono does have its ardent supporters and their numbers grow as more people learn about the ho'oponopono process.