If you're not getting what you want in Law of Attraction then you may be overlooking one very important thing. You have to go beyond WHAT you want to get to the core of WHY you want it.
One of the first steps in manifesting using the Law of Attraction is figuring out WHAT you want. Often simply gaining that clarity is enough to bring your desires into reality. But if you've done that and you feel like you're at a standstill (your stuff hasn't been delivered yet and there are no signs on the horizon that it's on the way) then you need to go a step further and look at the why behind the what.
Behind every surface desire, each one of us has core wants that yearn to be filled. These wants are often buried under layers of baggage and can be a bit difficult to uncover. It's well worth it though, because once you start exploring your inner self to find and fulfill those core desires your quality of life and manifesting success will improve dramatically.
Now let me warn you: it's not always fun or comfortable to get into your inner wants.
Many of us have a lot of fears around these core desires, often stemming from our past where they weren't filled and we were left hurt or disappointed. But I promise that if you are brave enough to take that step the rewards will far outweigh the initial discomfort.
One way to get started doing this is to think about what you want and then ask yourself why you want it. The first answer you come up with will most likely be a surface desire (i.e. I want to lose weight so I can get into this outfit) so don't stop there. Keep asking yourself why, over and over until the answers come a little slower and feel a little uncomfortable. You will know you're getting close to the core want when you experience emotion with your answer (i.e. you feel embarrassed at how your body looks so you don't want to go out in public and that makes you feel like tearing up).
Once you get to this point, stop. Sit with the emotion for a few minutes and let yourself really feel it. Then go back to your WHAT and see if it really addresses the why behind it. (Hint - you may have to change your stated desire a little in light of this new information).
Now that you know what you really want and why you want it, go through the manifesting process again. You will find that your desire gets filled more quickly, and that you are happier with the results at a much deeper level.
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