FaceLube, Face Lube, Masculine Face Care, Men's Skincare, Men's Anti-Aging, Masculine Skin Care, Man's Man, Guy's Guy, Manly Man, Real Men
Here’s the story: Some guys think that masculine face care – or, as the Beauty Industry calls it – “men’s skincare” – is all about getting the girl.
That is, if you “put your best face forward,” then you’re giving yourself an edge at the club, at the office, at the beach, and everywhere else masculine men like you do your thing to snag the attention of a stone cold fox or two (or four…or nine).
You get the point. But what you might not yet get is the fact that masculine face care really isn’t about getting the girl. It’s about getting ahead! It’s about getting that extra edge in an ultra competitive world - where success, both professionally and socially (and that’s where the ladies come in), naturally follow the victor.
Getting Ahead – Why it Matters Part 1
Experts say that it takes less than 10 seconds to form that first impression about a person. That’s about the time it takes to run back a kick off from the end zone to the 20 yard line. We’re talking fasthere! And 90% of that first impression is based on how you look.
Put those numbers together, and it simply means that your ability to make a positive impression depends on your appearance.
And let’s admit it: First impressions play a huge role in your life. Everything from career advancement, to getting a bank loan, to closing a deal. Even fighting a traffic ticket in court, or being served well at a restaurant, or during a flight can be traced back to that magical “first impression.” Don’t you want to be on the winning side of that equation? Don’t you want to get – and stay – ahead of the competition? Yes and yes. And that’s one big reason why proper masculine face care matters.
Getting Ahead – Why it Matters Part 2
And there’s more to the story. Even if you aren’t concerned with how you look – at least not the point where you’d go out of your way to spruce things up and slow down the signs of aging – there’s another big reason why proper masculine face care matters: how you feel.
Let’s turn to the experts here again. There’s a link between how a person feels and how they perform in their job, how much they’re likely to earn, how popular they are, and even how strong and exciting their relationships tend to be. When a man feels attractive and secure in his appearance, he’s simply more confident in everything he does – even the little things, like walking down the street, or into a board meeting. And that opens up all kinds of opportunities and benefits that, frankly, are closed to unconfident, uncharismatic guys. Is that fair? Who knows. Is that reality? You bet!
Taking Masculine Face Care to the Next Level
So you know that putting your best face forward is a good idea – in fact, it’s a great idea! But how do you take what you know, and put it into action? Easy - you find the right masculine face care routine, stick with it, and see the results for yourself – and have otherpeople notice it, too.
What is the right masculine skin care routine? It’s one that delivers the cleaning, treating, and protecting power that a man’s man (like you) needs – and doesn’t give you anything you don’t.
That means no complicated and confusing multi-step regiments where you are told to cleanse, tone, peel, mask, scrub, hydrate, boost, rescue, spritz and exfoliate. No overpowering scents that linger in the office elevator long after you’ve stepped off, no greasy creams that’s probably better suited to lubricate the chassis in your wheels, and no chemicals that you wouldn’t even put on your lawn – let alone your face.
Just simple, honest and powerfully effective masculine face care – designed for a Man’s Man, designed for YOU.
Masculine Men’s Anti-Aging Face Care Series - How To Overcome That First Date Part 2
How To Overcome That First Date Part 2 of a 2 Part Series. Date Night. At the Restaurant/Conversation Starters. Pay Attention to Her Body Language. Saying Goodnight and Follow-Up.Masculine Men's Anti-Aging Face Care Series - How To Overcome That First Date Part 1
Selecting the Suitable Restaurant: It's Not the Money, It's the Experience. Choosing the right setting for your game is like walking a tightrope. It's a balancing act, tipping too far in one direction can be disastrous. You might think that you should go with something super fancy - wrong! Super fancy will freak her out. It will seem like you are trying too hard to impress her, have an ulterior motive, or compensating for some obvious flaw in your personality.Why The Beauty Industry Hates Men Part 5B - Writing On The Wall
The Three Ingredients Of A Missed Business Opportunity. Misjudging the marketplace. Not seeing the warning signs. Not partnering with the right solutions provider. And, the Future List Of Top 10 Stupidest Beauty Company Blunders.