Mastering Your Mind Power; A Gargantuan Myth Could Be Stopping You
I am now going to introduce you to what I think is one of the most gargantuan, life limiting myths ever perpetrated on humanity. You hear it in some form nearly every day of your life.
Would you like to:Make of your life anything you want it to be?...Free your days of the deadly monsters of boredom and monotony fill your days with things of interest to you; pleasure,

health, and love?...Banish irrational fears and to make happiness a habit with you?... Use every hour of the day to add life to your years and years to your life?...Claim or re-claim control of your mind power?...If you will remember, those were promises to you from the first article in this series as rewards for mastering your mind power; and as you have probably concluded by now, I am absolutely convinced that you can have all of those things and much more.I am now going to introduce you to what I think is one of the most gargantuan, life limiting myths ever perpetrated on humanity. You hear it in some form nearly every day of your life. You use it in some form when chastising your children or the children of others while they are in your care. It comes into disagreements between you and your significant other. Others have mentally slapped you around with it time after time.The effect of this myth on humanity has been and continues to be enormous. It makes you feel terrible. It literally makes you sick, both physically and mentally. It is the cause of suicides too numerous to count. It has pushed addictions to drugs and alcohol to epidemic proportions. It has helped place over 2 million citizens into prison cells. Most people who are not affected to degree previously mentioned, live lives in fear of it in quiet desperation. They are mere shadows of what they could and should be.Once you really understand this myth to the point where its negative influence no longer pushes your buttons, your life will never be the same again. You will find yourself accomplishing things as if by magic. More of what you desire from life will seem to just come to you. Here is the key that once grasped will unlock your mastery over your self image and put you in control of the power of your mind.THERE IS NO SUCH REALITY AS FAILURE. I repeat: There is no such reality as failure. Now, before you fall out of your seat from shock, or throw something at me through your computer monitor in disgust, hear me out.Nearly half a century ago, Dr. Maxwell Maltz, author of Psycho-Cybernetics, described the human mind as A GOAL SEEKING MECHANISM. Now I carried that analogy around in my mind for most of that half century. It was not until I was introduced to the Law of Attraction and Quantum Physics that a light went off in my mind that made Dr. Maltz’s analogy crystal clear to me. This I know for sure. You are the most miraculous of all living beings on earth. You are the owner of a mind that is so stupendous, that as you truly begin mastering your mind power and consciously using it, there is no dream that you can dream that you cannot achieve.