Natural Highs

Aug 19


(J) Marshall Wade

(J) Marshall Wade

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Pretty much everyone my happy self has ever met loves to use their


Pretty much everyone my happy self has ever met loves to use their imagination…and as I am so fond of saying – I am not unique! Most of two-legged, Natural Highs Articles two-armed, one headed, and covered with a layer of skin, beings are more than lucky that no-one can enforce any law banning certain imaginings – for if it were possible, we would all be in prison. Of course, there wouldn’t be anyone left to keep us there!

      Our life-pleasing planet offers us humanoids litterly millions of opportunities for us to employ our imaginations; and if one wishes, we can extend our imaginations to the heavens above, where lurks such wondrous things as stars, galaxies, nebula, and other mysterious items as quasars and black-holes. We are indeed lucky!

      What if we folks jostled our mind and asked ourselves – what if we were on a mesa on a desert, and our optical orbs (eyes) were inhaling a sensational sunset on a moonless and cloudless warm summer night? But after the sun disappeared over the horizon, we suddenly realized that it was dark-very dark! So dark, in fact, that we could barely see our feet beneath us. And when we glanced down the side of the mesa, we couldn’t see the road or our vehicle? Gazing toward the horizon, it dawns on us that we couldn’t ever locate any signs of civilization – no lights anywhere, just darkness! Raising our eyes to the ever-expanding universe above, we would perceive thousands of twinkling stars…and our mind would tell us we are truly alone.

      What would we feel inside? Would we suddenly become tense, nervous, and perhaps even scared? Would our bodies begin to tremble, and our instincts kick in and tell us to run --- because we have heard of all the dangerous creatures that may be around us, whose instincts tell them that they are at the top of the food chain? Would we heed our gut-instincts, and just get all stressed out?

      Or would we gather our courage, relax our bodies, and once again look up to the stars, and access our imagination? As we peered into our star-lit macro-cosm, would we be awed by the enormous and fantastic beauty, and wonder what they are, how did they get there, how did they form, and what is their purpose? For if we did, the tenseness and trembling would disappear, for we would sense a warm and sensuous serenity flow throughout our entity…and experience a peace that we never knew existed. Our mind would begin bombarding us with new questions, and our imagination would soar – but only for awhile!

      For now, the very deep and abiding nature within us would cause us to realize that we are now on the edge of eternity, and we could experience the highest high a human can reach – we would believe….no, we would know that we own the universe! It is ours and ours alone --- we have attained euphoria!

     Chances are that most of us will never experience such feelings, for we are too wrapped up in our everyday lives…we have created what we thought would be a wonderful life. We have forgotten that we too are attached to nature, and no longer comprehend that it is the simple things in nature that will allow us to experience awe, tenderness, and a natural high of true serenity.

      Naturally, there are millions of other natural highs in nature, such as strolling barefoot throughout the mud in a warm summer rain…dancing on the shore of an ocean with your mate at midnight, and using the sound of the waves as your music,…or standing on a mountain or high hill during a thunderstorm, and gaze in amazement at the fingers of lightning dance across the darkened sky, and listen to its melody of thunder…or walking through a forest and watch the creatures play, and listen to the music of the leaves…and perhaps, on a dark and warm evening, stand on the side of an open field, and watch the glitter of thousands of lightning bugs, as they flutter around in the night…or we could find a very dark haven and close our eyes, so we may be aware of the silence of absolute solitude.

      For it is not that silence is golden, it is the very essence within us that allows our very nature to experience natural highs! Imagine what you can do next!