Neuro linguistic programming for dummies
Neuro linguistic programming NLP can be learned by dummies and by anyone for that matter once its origins and principles have been explained.
Neuro linguistic programming NLP can be learned by dummies and by anyone for that matter once its origins and principles have been explained. It is wise to begin with a brief history and definition and then to understand the principles that will be learned.Neuro linguistic programming was originally founded in the 1970's by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who claimed it would be instrumental in "finding ways to help people have better,

fuller and richer lives". They coined the title to denote a supposed theoretical connection between neurological processes ('neuro'), language ('linguistic') and behavioral patterns that have been learned through experience ('programming') and that can be organised to achieve specific goals in life. To put this in a simpler way "Neuro" stands for the way our brain processes information, "Linguistic" is obviously language and "Programming" is the way that we subconsciously respond to information that our brain processes.NLP was originally promoted by Bandler and Grinder as an extraordinarily effective and rapid form of psychological therapy, capable of addressing the full range of problems which psychologists are likely to encounter, such as phobias, depression, habit disorder, psychosomatic illnesses, learning disorders. This concept has been so successful that hypnotherapists still use these techniques to this day with incredible results.The principle of Neuro linguistic programming is that everyone has been programmed since birth. A good example of this is if someone told you to jump off a cliff the common response is, "no that is dangerous". Your mind is programmed to have this response when the words "jump" and "cliff" are in the same sentence. This triggers an immediate response that your parents taught you as infants which is "no"! This translates into every aspect of your life whether it is regarding dating, work, and habits that you have and want to change. By using Neuro linguistic programming you can change your normal reactions to by creating a new program in your brain that will react differently then the way you normally do.The best way to learn Neuro linguistic programming is by taking a training course. It is very important that you train yourself in this technique because it is not something that will happen over night, however if you put the time in you will get results. The best course available is Learn Hypnosis from Wendi which you can gain access to via Wendi Friesen is a Clinical Hypnotherapist that has been researching Neuro linguistic programming for over 12 years with over 100,000's of world wide clients.