Confidence essentially comes from personal comfort. When a person is comfortable with who he is, he automatically develops confidence. He is no longer worried what others may think of him.
When a person is certain about himself, the impression he gives out is not that he isn’t afraid of anything but that he can deal with anything.
Confidence enables a person to persevere in life and emerge as a success.
We may observe that most of us approach challenging situations with fear already in our minds. We always picture the worst possible things that could happen. Instilling confidence in the self is a step by step process. It is may be achieved gradually and is within the means of everyone. Once self-confidence is established in the mind, success follows naturally.
Here are 6 simple steps that will help you raise your confidence:
1) Find a quiet and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed for the next 10 minutes.
2) Now close your eyes. Take a deep breath, hold for a few seconds and as you exhale tell yourself to relax. Repeat another three times and each time you will feel more relaxed.
3) When you are relaxed, open your eyes. Imagine that there is a magic mirror before you. In that mirror, you can see a more confident and successful you. See, hear and feel as that person would. Observe the changes in your body language.
4) Keep increasing the intensity of this feeling until the image becomes brighter, clearer and more colorful; you feel stronger and your mind tells you that you have supreme confidence in yourself. At this point, press your thumb and index finger together and say in your mind, ‘Supreme confidence.’ Let this become a mind trigger for you.
5) Then, every time you feel confident, use the mind trigger and feel supreme confidence enter your body again.
6) Do this a few more times until you feel that your trigger has become stronger and has established itself in your mind.
Practicing these easy steps will enable you to step into confidence naturally and effortlessly. Eventually, confidence will become a habit that will become a part of all your actions and decisions and help you accomplish much more.
Practice these steps today and implement them for a happy and successful life.
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