One of the most important needs for every human being is the need to be respected. It doesn’t matter if you or anyone else is a corporate executive, host of your own television show, short-order cook, Wal-Mart greeter or stay-at-home parent. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect regardless of occupation, gender or social status.
If you want to succeed in your chosen profession, create a loving family environment, improve a relationship, find your soul mate, or just improve the quality of your personal life, make a conscious commitment to practice showing respect in everything you do and everything you say.
Respect is the by-product of a four-letter word … L-O-V-E
Love is one emotion, however we express it on different levels for different people. We love our significant others, children, friends, co-workers, and parents in different ways, yet we still love them.
Respect plays a HUGE role in building people’s self esteem, increasing energy levels, motivating and promoting well-being. Regardless of who we interact with, it can be expressed on one level alone and does not have to be tailored to suit the relationship.
Respect can be demonstrated in a variety of ways:
- attentive listening
- referring to a person by name
- being courteous and polite
- learning the person’s values and beliefs so as not to offend with inappropriate or offensive remarks
- taking the person aside when need be to discuss matters that would offend or demean if handled publicly
- eliminating offensive language and profanity from your vocabulary
By treating others with respect, you will be amazed by how they will go out of their way to support you. Like-minded individuals will be drawn to you and you will be treated with the same respect you show to others.
By showing respect you are silently communicating, “You Matter” and although you may not see an immediate impact, you are making a positive difference and will be rewarded for your kindness through universal reciprocation.
As you start this week, make a conscious effort to show respect to every soul you encounter, even the gnarly lady at the fruit stand and the cranky bus driver. Learn people’s names and show a genuine interest in them. Wish them a good day and thank them for their efforts.
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