Say NO to the Flow
Why would anyone want to go with the flow? Look at a river, everything going with the flow is trash!
"Everything popular is wrong" - Oscar Wilde"I'm just going with the flow!How many of us have heard someone say that? How many of us have used it before?Have you ever been near a river and actually seen what 'goes with the flow'? Next time you are near a river,

I want you to take a look at all of the stuff going with the flow. HINT: IT'S ALL TRASH!!! It's all unwanted, lost or damaged items.I want you to imagine two kayakers about to launch their kayaks into a river. Kayaker one, sits into his boat, grabs his paddle and gets ready to launch as he looks over and sees kayaker 2 launching into the river. Kayaker 1 asks, "Hey kayaker 2, where's your paddle?" and then kayaker 2 responds with, "Actually I am not going to use a paddle. Today I am just going to go with the flow."HUH?What's going to happen to kayaker 2? Is he going to conquer the rapids, smoothly working his way through the strong currents and emerge victorious?ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He's going to end up capsizing, possibly drowning, from the ridiculous decision to 'go with the flow'.Make Your Own Lunch™ is all about saying NO to the FLOW. It's called Make YOUR Own Lunch™ for a reason. (head to if you are confused)I work with too many students who are just going with the flow. Going from day-to-day without making the vital decisions they need to make and getting upset by the experiences they are having each day. I speak with too many educators who take the 'go with the flow' approach with their classrooms and get frustrated when the class results aren't what they had expected.Going with the flow is the lemming that walks off of a cliff because the leader does. Going with the flow is going to a University JUST because your friend is going there. Going with the flow is accepting what I say without questioning it. Going with the flow is ending up with the rest of the trash that accumulates at the first obstacle in its path or at the end of the river. Going with the flow is weak. It assures less than mediocre results for anyone settling for the flow."But Ryan, sometimes I have to go with the flow because I need to be flexible and adapt to my situations!"Saying 'no to the flow' doesn't mean you can't be flexible or prepared for obstacles, if anything, saying 'no to the flow' allows you to be more flexible and maneuverable. Just as Kayaker 1's paddle allows him to be successful managing the rapids and obstacles he will face as he paddles on the river.Stop going with the flow. The flow brings you downstream with the rest of the trash. The flow only moves in one direction and limits your possibilities. Grab your paddle already and start navigating your own way through your future. Say no to the flow. The flow is a no go.