Learn how to use self hypnosis to change your life. Self hypnosis instruction guide.
Having spent many years gaining my qualifications in computer programming I realized some time ago that I knew more about fixing my computer than I did about fixing my mind!
The mind works in a very similar way to a computer. Just as a computer needs programs to run so does your mind. In fact your mind runs on automatic most of the time through subconscious programs.
If your life is lacking in any area or you feel that you could make improvements it is because your subconscious mind is running on negative automatic programs!
For most people programs such as these are hard to see. For some reason human beings do not like looking at their negative qualities and bury their negative programs deep in the subconscious mind. This is where the power of self hypnosis can benefit you. By using self hypnosis it is easy to gain access to the subconscious mind and remove negative programs. It is even possible to remove some programs, that have been festering in the subconscious mind and running on automatic for a lifetime, in one session - such is the power and speed of self hypnosis.
Here is a quick simple guide to get you started using self hypnosis as a tool for inner, and ultimately outer, change.
1. First identify what you want. Although this may sound like an obvious thing to do many people can list all the things they don't want but are hard-pushed to list even 2 things they do want. Of those that can identify their desires many times they are nebulous in nature - "I would like more money", "I want happiness".
In order to use the full power of self hypnosis and gain the most benefit from it you must know EXACTLY what you want. What will make you happy? How much money do you really want in dollars and cents?
2. Go somewhere where you will not be disturbed and find a comfortable position. Sitting or lying down are both acceptable.
3. Relax your body. Simple deep breathing often accomplishes this. You can take each part of your body in turn, from the feet to your scalp and tense then relax them. This will allow you to see where you are tense and relax that part of the body. It is important that you remember to relax your face, neck and scalp as many people overlook these areas!
4. Mentally count from ten to one. Breathe deeply throughout the countdown and in your head tell yourself you are going down deep into trance.
5. Imagine a long winding staircase and mentally take each step as you count from 10 to 1 again. This will deepen your trance and relax your body further.
6. Once at the bottom imagine that there is a doorway a little ahead of you and walk through it. This leads to a peaceful place where you feel totally comfortable and at ease.
7. Sit down in your scene and imagine yourself saying aloud any pre-made affirmations you have for change. These affirmations should focus on what you want not what you don't want and not on anything you are trying to get rid of! Just recite your affirmations for as long as it feels comfortable. Say them in your mind with meaning. Try to feel the feelings you will have when those statements are true.
8. Imagine the scene gently dissolving and you suddenly find yourself in your perfect scene (a scene that shows you already in possession of your desire or at a time when the affirmations you said are now true).
Once you have immersed yourself in this visualization for a few minutes and you are feeling good simply imagine yourself back in your peaceful place. Then walk through the door and back to the staircase. You can do this quickly. Then count from 1 to 10 and open your eyes.
Using this technique you will have experienced a self hypnosis state and used it to change yourself at a very deep level.
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