Setting ... Goalsby Michael Angier GOAL SETTING IS A SKILL, and ... it's not ... that's usually taught in school. Studies have shown that less than three percent of people actua
Setting S-M-A-R-T Goals
by Michael Angier
GOAL SETTING IS A SKILL, and unfortunately, it's not something that's usually taught in school. Studies have shown that less than three percent of people actually write their goals down. And it's this SAME three percent who accomplish more than all the others put together.
If you want to get better at setting and achieving goals, here's an acronym that will help you focus and have more success reaching your objectives. Set SMART goals.
SMART stands for:
* Specific
* Measurable
* Action-oriented
* Realistic
* Timely
SPECIFIC: Achieving goals demands focus. Our mind needs specific targets to work effectively. It can't operate well with vague generalities. State exactly what you wish to accomplish.
MEASURABLE: Many people set goals they'll never know whether or not they've attained. "To be successful--to be more knowledgeable," aren't goals because there's no benchmark. Be sure to have measurable goals with a deadline.
ACTION-ORIENTED: It's much easier to measure things being done. What are the action-steps you’ll take in the process of achieving your goal?
REALISTIC: This is your call. What's realistic to you may not be to someone else. Your objective has to be within the realm of YOUR believability. If you can't envision yourself doing it, you won't.
TIMELY: A goal must have a target date. If you desire to make a million dollars, but don't set the timeline for it, it won't be motivating. A deadline too far in the future is too easily put off. A goal that's set too close is not only unrealistic, it's discouraging.
If you keep these things in mind as you plan your goals, you'll meet with more success and have more fun doing so.
Copyright 2002 Michael Angier & Success Networks International. Used with permision.
Michael Angier is the founder and president of Success Networks. Success Net's mission is to inform, inspire and empower people to be their best--personally and professionally. Want help with your goals for this year? Go to:
by clicking here
READ MORE HERE: eens/smartgoals.shtml
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