Some Studying Tips For Tests And Exams Success

Jul 5


Sidney Morrison

Sidney Morrison

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Listed in this article are tips you can follow to get your chances of passing your tests and exams a lot higher.


Let's face it,Some Studying Tips For Tests And Exams Success Articles who else but geeks love to take exams? But for the normal people, (unfortunately, the overwhelming majority) exams are things to loathe about being a student. It's just too hard to concentrate on studying for tests or exams when there's this new video game you haven't finished playing yet, or there's this new band who's going to be having a concert and you badly want to see them play. In short, there's just too many distractions that easily can lure you out of studying. But you know what? There are some ways to combat these distractions and if you just do them, you can surely get your chances of passing any of your tests and exams up a lot higher. Curious as to what these things are? Here they are:

- First of all, you have to make sure to find your own compelling reason to learn and pass your tests or exams. This is the foundation of an individual's study habit so it's needless to say that this is the most important of all the study tips that you can read in this article. Your success will be deeply rooted in your motivation to learn. Many kids at school do not want to be there and can't be bothered to try which is often times the reason why they fail. However, it does not mean that they are unable to learn, it is just that they have not surrendered themselves to the task at hand. In short, knowing and understanding that people are driven by emotional needs and not logical ones is the key. So once you accept that fact, you have to find a deep emotional reason for achieving success as a student.

- Next tip is to plan carefully the way you use your time. Schedule things in such a way that you have a balance of studying, taking breaks and having fun. Balance is the key in having a successful and rewarding life. And the same can be said when you are a student. You could spend every waking hour reading every book you could find and learning everything you could and pass exams easily this way. But it would surely not be a fun ride, this could easily lead to you not having any friends and you would definitely be burnt out and out of balance. In short, there's nothing wrong with taking breaks and giving yourself some fun as little rewards when you have learned something new for your exams. It is actually vital for your success. This is because it keeps you in balance and gives you a degree of variety that keeps you fresh and alert. Yes having a night out with your friends is good for you - but only if it is as a reward for doing good work and is as part of your overall plan.

- Every time before you begin a study session, make sure to warm up by doing some gentle exercise to relieve any tension in your body and to get a rush of healthy oxygen flowing to your brain. To elaborate, there are two things that happen when you physically warm up before studying. First, you get rid of any physical tension that will create stress in the body and mind and secondly, you will get a rush of oxygen to the brain which will help you think more clearly.

- You should quickly skim through your text books and study materials before you read them in depth. Why do this? It is to help you get more feel for the contents and give you an overview of the subject you are going to be studying. The whole process shouldn't take you longer than ten minutes. After that, as you read in greater depth, some of what you have got from the quick skim through will help put into context that information and allow you to make the necessary links in your mind and memory. By doing so, it will often prevent you from getting stuck at any point because you will have a flavour of what is to come later in the book and this added preview can help the understanding of earlier information.

- Last but not least, always see to it that you review your notes regularly to reinforce whatever new things you have learned. This is another very simple but really great tip. The experience of most students is that the learning that takes place in the classroom is really an information gathering exercise. If at the end of each day, each week and even each month you quickly scanned what you have learned so far, made a few key notes and then reviewed those notes regularly, you would be amazed at how much you could remember.

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