You can gain freedom by using your eyes to communicate intimately with full awareness and conscious intention. Your eyes are windows to your soul. Do you allow people in or lock them out?
EYES WIDE SHUT Your eyes are windows to your soul. Do you allow people in or lock them out? Time for Exercise: five minutes to one hour (several sessions are an option) Properties Required: magnifying mirror Steps:
You keep your “eyes wide shut” when you don’t know what kind of feeling you are sending out with your eyes energetically, you refuse to look someone in the eyes, or you break eye contact out of fear, insecurity, low self-esteem, or indifference. By practicing various looks, you become cognizant of the messages you give with your eyes. You can gain freedom by using your eyes to communicate intimately with full awareness and conscious intention.
Excerpted from the book Sensual Love Secrets for Couples: The Four Freedoms of Body, Mind, Heart and Soul, by Al Link and Pala Copeland, Llewellyn, 20074 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Under the Sky
Know that you are part of this wondrous vastness. The universe or cosmos contains everything that exists. The universe is believed to "vibrate" out of "strings." According to Dan Falk, "Each string is as small compared to an atom as an atom is compared to the solar system."4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - What's Good?
Generally your consciousness works to create more of what you pay attention to. Be careful what you pay attention to because you are going to get more of it.4 Freedoms Integration Exercise - Seeing in the Dark
This exercise forces you to rely on senses other than sight. You might be amazed at how much you rely on sight for so many things. You might also be amazed at how many things you can do for yourself without being able to see.