It is a misconception that being spiritual and successful cannot be had simultaneously. In fact, it is the way things are supposes to be! You absolutely can have spiritual depth, be content and happy and have success and wealth also. For too long we have kept these paths separate, but it is time to bridge the gap and start living amazing lives of prosperity, health and spiritual bliss.
Worldly success can be achieve and coexist in harmony with spirituality—it’s the way things are supposed to be. Primarily our perception and thoughts of what “should be” are what hold us back. Success is more a state of mind and how one perceives themselves as successful. Your happiness is a choice that is made continually, throughout each moment of each day. Again, thought and perception mainly dictates whether you see yourself as happy or not. To truly achieve ‘life success,’ you have to make your life ‘a success.
’ This is only feasible if you are happy. People from all walks of life are choosing to live a more spiritual life, to follow a path of peace and contentment while striving for success… And why not? Can we have both? YES!But what does it mean to live a spiritual life? Do we have to forsake our possessions and the desire for achievement and accomplishment? Being spiritual does not mean we have to give up our thirst for life, and being successful does not mean you have to be unhappy and ‘sell your soul.’ In fact, a centered, contemplative and motivated person is better poised for the greatest of life successes. By knowing who you are and what you are capable of, and realizing your connection to the earth, spirit and humanity, you can move past fears and begin to live the amazing adventure your life is meant to be!Spirituality is not about perfection, nobody will ever achieve that, but it is however, striving to live the best life you can and to be the best person you can be everyday in every way. It's about following your heart and not being afraid to peruse your dreams. It’s about having compassion and forgiveness; being loving and kind and inspiring and motivating others to reach inside themselves and thrive. It’s about living morally and justly—being virtuous and holding true to your heart’s desires. Being spiritual is to adapt a ‘Christ like’ consciousness and without judgment, ego or fear, pursuing your journey on earth and cherishing the gift of life.
And what about success… It is such an arbitrary term, meaning so many things to so many people. I like to ask, “What is your definition of success?” How do you define being successful? Are you on a certain path just to appease or please someone else? Do you act a certain way because you believe it is the ‘socially acceptable’ thing to do? You have to ask yourself what do you really want, what speaks truth to your soul? What, in your heart and mind, will make you a success. Many people have a certain goal or dream, and will not believe they are successful until they reach that point. But living successfully is a daily path, not a destination or something to be achieved or attained. We need to look at success on a smaller scale; the successes we achieve moment to moment are just as important as life-long success.
Spirituality and success are both paths to travel and not definitive destinations. To achieve total life success, one must make living spiritual and being successful a lifestyle. Like water and clay, they should be molded together to create the masterpiece of your life. You cannot have one without the other. How can you be happy if you do not feel you are a success? Contrarily you’re not a total success if you cannot find peace and contentment.
For centuries we have followed these two paths separately, thinking we cannot have it both simultaneously. And for centuries, we have been frustrated and unfulfilled, bouncing back and forth from the paths of spirituality and success. What we have failed to realize, and are beginning to awaken to, is the idea that both paths are synonymous. We can have both; we can live fulfilling spiritual lives and be successful at the same time. After all, it is what we were born for. “But son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commandments in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity”. Proverbs 3:1-2 NIV