Most people live in lack and struggle - in one or several areas of their life. Learning the simple art of 'living in the flow' turns suffering into joy and fulfillment. This simple article teaches how.
Life is an art … How to know what we want. How to ‘show up’ for it. How to be in the flow.
Just like the faucet on our kitchen sink, we need to learn how to control its flow. Just like the surf tide in the sun, we need to learn how to ride its bounteous and energizing waves.
Think of your own bathtub, and the inflow of water as you run a relaxing, hot bath. If you were taught as a child how to notice where life’s energy currents are naturally moving in any moment … you’d be living a so much simpler, happier and abundant life now.
But you weren’t. You were taught to hold ideas entrenched in your mind, sometimes defending them to death (both metaphoric and physical). You learned how to live in fear and doubt yourself, missing altogether this natural, prolific source of life energy and with it, your opportunity to ride easily to your resplendent shore of golden dreams … ‘the pot of gold at the end of your rainbow’.
It’s like we’re all crippled, stunted, living only a marginal percentage of our full potential – simply because we don’t learn how to ‘go with the flow’. This isn’t a ‘hippy expression’. Quite literally, it is describing a system in physics - like an eagle soaring effortlessly on an updraft, or a kite zooming joyously in an unapologetic wind.
We need to learn to be like nature. It's time to dust off our old lenses of perception - the 'vision' through which our brain interprets the world. We need to remember how to flow.
In the past year there’s been a global ‘buzz’ about the ‘Law of Attraction’. The Law itself is not new. It’s been in existence for all eternity. What's new is our mass recognition that there's something of primal importance in it - something that is worth us paying our keen attention to.
Many people - in our limited, conditioned perception of ourselves, humanity and the world - make the crippling assumption that, to get something we want, we need to draw it to us.
This is a 180° reverse of the truth.
I’ll give you two examples …
If you’ve ever been to Amsterdam, you’ll know that the houses there are tall and extremely narrow. And so the staircases within them are steep. To get objects of any substantial weight into a house, a pulley is engaged. Installed just above the uppermost window of the house, heavy objects are hooked in at the street level, pulled up via the effortless strength of the pulley system, then received in through the window. As it relates to the ‘Law of Attraction’, the upper window is where we receive what we want. The object on the ground IS US.
Here’s another metaphor to describe this …
If you’ve ever fly fished or watched someone in the midst of its hypnotic trance, you’ll remember that the art is in the cast. The hook is 'thrown out' - far away from where the fisher person stands. And then … the line is reeled. In the case of fishing for fish (what most people do!), the perception is that the fish is then reeled in, towards the fisherperson. As it relates to the ‘Law of Attraction’, it is the fisherperson who is reeled towards the fish – the desire which is the fisherperson’s longing.
When we 'get this' - when we fully understand that we're the one that needs to move, to expand our comfort zone, to swim into new waters toward our heart's desire rather than waiting for it to come to us, we'll see action in our lives - beyond our wildest dreams. We’ll receive the bounty that early settlers chased – and found. We’ll open the faucet, wide … and embrace all that we cherish in our mind’s longing, all that for which our heart truly sings.
A New Earth - There's More!
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Learn how the 'Law of Attraction' actually works - and how to make it work for you!Instinct and Intuition - Tapping In to Your Inner Power
Intuition and Instinct are our most powerful allies. 'Our inner eyes', they guide us keenly and accurately to know what to do - with precision, flow and ease. Befriending and following the guidance of our Intuition and Instinct carries our life to a new level of empowerment, adventure and incredible opportunities.