What do you think about yourself? How do you rate your worth? What you are fully capable of doing is linked with the discovery of who you are. Who you are will determine how you live.
"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" - Proverbs 23 : 7. What type of thoughts do you harbor about yourself? What you are fully capable of exhibiting is tightly linked with the discovery of who you really are. To a great extent, who you are will determine how you live. The biblical character, Esau, will be used as a point of reference. He didn't know the implication of the wrong decision he was intending to take a little while later. Though alive, he wasn't aware about what he would have truly represented. As a result, he sold his birthright for a plate of food. What a tragedy!
How you see yourself will determine how the enemy will see you and treat you. If you see yourself as a lion, the devil can't treat you as a dog. When you see yourself as an eagle, no devil can treat you as a chicken. As long as the prodigal son in the bible didn't realise he was the child of a wealthy man, he continued to eat with pigs, but as soon as he realised reality, his adversity ended. Discovering your identity, is an answer to adversity. Devils oppress people with all types of negativity by merely taking advantage of their ignorance. If you know your full capabilities, they wouldn't dare cross your path.
The easiest way to discover yourself and know what you were made for, is by asking your Maker because nobody knows a product like the manufacturer. Who are you? The knowledge of yourself is very important. In the Bible, John knew who he was (John 1 : 23); Jesus knew who he was (John 15 : 1); the sons of Sceva had to contend with that question when they were confronted. Unfortunately, they were unaware of themselves and the outcome became disastrous for them (Acts 9 : 15). You need to define your personal identity in order to avoid the accident of destiny.
The knowledge of who you are is important because of the strengths, breakthroughs and positive results it will create. Knowledge sponsors energy and energy determines destiny. On the other hand, ignorance kills any available energy and it exposes weakness. Behind every breakthrough and awesome invention is a unique discovery. When a discovery is made, people are elevated into the realm of breakthrough. If there is any area of your life where breakthrough is needed, make a thorough research on that issue. This will set you up for a breakthrough. Knowledge affects productivity. More knowledge will give you more results. After the discovery of GOD, the next most important knowledge is that of yourself. Who are you? The discovery of yourself is a key to the enjoyment of life. Embark on the search to answer that question today. What are you on earth for? What talents and potentials do you possess?
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