The Secrets of Success – Overcoming Your Fears
As strange as it may sound the secrets of success can often times be found embedded in our own fears. Quite often our fear of success and all that goes with it prevents us from taking action! Read on to see 5 common obstacles many encounter as a result of their fears that keep them from being and having more!
As strange as it may sound the secrets of success can often times be found embedded in our own fears. You see in order to become successful the willingness and ability to 'move' in that direction must be present! Quite often our fear of success and all that goes with it prevents us from taking action! Therefore it stands to reason that the only direction we can take to become successful puts us on a collision course with these fears!
Here are 5 common obstacles that many encounter as a result of their fear of success that keep them from being and having more!
Taking Action
Often times simply taking action of any kind can be the most difficult part of the journey since one that first step is taken you are now out of your comfort zone! This fear or reluctance is normally due to nothing more than 'change' which symbolizes something different or unknown. In most cases we tend to associate this reluctance with thinking the 'challenge' we are about to encounter will be difficult but it is really all about simply change!
In order to become successful you must first accept the fact that you are accountable for your own actions no matter the results! Remember your successes are yours alone therefore nobody can take the credit,

nor the blame for how things turn out, it is up to you! Many are not comfortable with this since they may tend to blame others when things go wrong but they need to realize one thing, no guts no glory!
Possibly the biggest fear of success that many have is of the responsibilities that typically go with it! Upon accomplishing most anything there are usually certain responsibilities you must undertake to 'maintain' the accomplishment itself. This is especially true when what you have achieved serves to help others as well since they are now dependent upon you to continue enjoying these benefits!
Oh boy you never realized how much pressure could come with your successes because now everybody holds you up to higher standards! Life after you become successful seems to place you under the microscope since people now expect more from you and therefore tend to watch you more closely! Your days of flying below the radar are over! Some people are simply not ready for that and likely never will be!
Peer Group Elevation
With higher expectations also comes a shift in the type of people you now associate with since your accomplishments attract a different crowd! As the saying goes 'birds of a feather flock together' and many of your new 'associates' will have higher self expectations! Now it seems that in some social setting where you could formerly 'let your hair down' that you may be held to a higher standard! This constant 'pressure' may be too much of a price to pay for some which is another reason they may have a fear of success!
In many ways the secrets of success can be found in learning how to get out of our own way. In order to become successful, at anything, the first order of business is always taking action but sometimes 'hidden' barriers keep us from doing so! In most cases it appears that a fear of success and all the 'trappings' that go with it is what holds many back. The 5 obstacles discussed above basically represent the different walls or barriers we have unwittingly erected that keep us from taking action in pursuit of our dreams and ambitions! By identifying each it becomes easier to tear down these barriers clearing the way for future accomplishments and a life of greater possibilities!