Tired Of Lying Awake? How You Can Treat Your Sleep Disturbance

Apr 19


Alan B. Densky

Alan B. Densky

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Between five and ten percent of the American population suffers because of some type of sleep dysfunction. Insomnia is probably the most common sleep disorders in which a person has difficulty falling asleep, or remain asleep, or both. A wide range of cures are available; find out which cure will work best for you.


Sleep is necessary for an individual's body to work properly,Tired Of Lying Awake? How You Can Treat Your Sleep Disturbance Articles grow, and heal after an injury. Most research findings find that adults need between six and eight hours of sleep nightly. A number of people, however, are unable to achieve this. Up to 20 million Americans alone experience significant struggles sleeping every night.

Many elements that cause sleeping problems are responsible for this startling fact. For example, a large number of individuals snore. Deep snoring sometimes can cause sleepers to wake, surprised, by this noise. Additionally, people with a spouse that snores heavily may even are unable to sleep when such a racket is going on in the same room!

Snoring can also be symptomatic of a related sleeping problem called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can happen when an individual quits breathing in the middle of sleep. Sleep apnea may be caused by blockages in the nasal and sinus passages, or because of excessive weight. This problem can be deadly, and persons who suffer from sleep apnea usually wear a mask that sends pressured air to their lungs while they are asleep.

Sleep apnea may cause narcolepsy, a different sleeping disturbance. Sometimes, however, individuals who do not suffer from sleep apnea experience narcolepsy. People who experience this condition typically fall asleep suddenly and without warning in any place or at any time. If a person is being treated for narcolepsy, the doctor frequently orders that person to avoid driving until the disorder is being properly treated; going to sleep while driving can be very dangerous!

Yet another potentially dangerous sleeping disturbance is referred to as sleepwalking, and is also described referred to in medical literature as somnambulism. People who sleepwalk perform the identical behaviors - eating, drinking, walking, and so on - that they perform during their waking hours. Almost one-fifth of the population worldwide may sleepwalk.

There are even documented cases where some people have driven or committed murder while sleepwalking! The majority of the time, however, the person who is asleep is in much more danger than those witnessing the event. The recommended course of action is to get the individual back to bed.

Another problem described as shift work sleep disorder is sometimes reported by individuals who work alternating shift schedules, afternoon, or night shifts. This condition can result in either of two types of sleep difficulties: extreme sleepiness, or an inability to sleep. Moreover, individuals who experience shift work sleep disorder experience higher likelihood of cancer than individuals who do not experience it.

Individuals diagnosed with insomnia typically have problems sleeping at bedtime. When they can fall asleep, they usually do not sleep soundly and are awakened easily. They might only sleep several hours before awakening.

The effects of this sleeping problem are sleepiness and impaired physical coordination. Even though people who cope with insomnia may feel sleepy, however, those who suffer from chronic insomnia often realize that they are perpetually overly alert, and cannot easily relax or remain calm. Some other possible side effects of this health problem are physical and mental fatigue.

A large number of offer suggestions about how to cure insomnia. Potential cures include some unusual home remedies for insomnia. One suggestion is a concoction of honey, tea, and milk, even though there is no convincing evidence demonstrating that this compound, or insomnia hypnotherapy. Professionals who use insomnia hypnosis teach people to experience beneficial sleep patterns by introducing a group of suggestive thoughts that will allow them to get to sleep with less difficulty.

Clients are taught the skills of self-hypnosis to effectively treat this problem. Self-hypnosis is a form of insomnia hypnotherapy that is often very effective in treating suggestive clients, but is less useful for clients who are analytical thinkers. A very comparable strategy, referred to as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is typically more helpful for these persons.

So many possible treatments for insomnia exist that a single article cannot discuss them all. Professionals disagree about insomnia cures. The majority of people who have tried Neuro-Linguistic Programming and insomnia hypnotherapy, however, have described them as most effective in helping them achieve sound, peaceful sleep. These innovative and effective approaches, unlike sleeping medications or other alternative remedies, does not have any hangover or side effects, and can be practiced nearly anywhere.

Summary: As many as one in ten persons of the population of the United States suffers from some kind of sleeping problem. Insomnia is a sleep disturbance that prevents people from falling asleep or sleeping well at night. Many techniques have been developed to assist people effectively manage this disorder. One of the most effective, as described by those who have tried this technique, is hypnotherapy for insomnia.