Are you feeling swamp or overwhelm with work, school, chores etc.? Do you feel paralyze or do not know where to start? These symptoms can be a signal of anxiety, or stress. These problems usually emerge when people are tired or have too many tasks to handle at once. You can solve this problem by taking a break. You will learn that stepping away from the situation or problem can help clear your head. Once you come back to your routine you will feel more focused and energized. Therefore, you will perform more effectively.
Here are some tips that can help you release stress in no time.
Just Relax,
Kenia Morales
New Year’s resolution during the summer
Many people create their New Year’s resolution right after December 31st. That is great! But, wouldn’t you be interested on getting faster results? We are in the summer now. Wouldn’t you like to complete your goal or advance by Christmas season? I know it will feel great, to track your own progress.The Key is In Your Hands
People have a natural tendency to:Complain about others being self absorbed.Complain about living in a materialistic World.Complain about having dishonest friends and blah, blah, blah!Seriously, if I keep going It will never come to an end.Unfit Mothers: A guide to becoming a better mom
The other day I was watching Oprah one of my favorite shows for many reasons but, that would be another subject. The topic was unfit mothers. Trust me it was more than evident that some of the guests there had some serious issues due to the amount of abuse or neglect that they place their children in.