the top 6 questions people have when they think about personal development.
For most people, personal growth or personal development is not only a process in itself, but getting to the point of realizing that it may be something they want to incorporate into their lives is also a process. Most people don't wake up one day out of the blue and decide that they want to focus on their own personal growth. There are usually questions and recurring situations they one continues to struggle with that will be the catalyst in starting them off in that direction. So what could those questions be?
1) How to stop the feelings of guilt and fear of the loss of those you love
This one is very common as most people are brought up do deal with situations through guilt or fear. However, because it is not our normal status quo way of being, over time, we begin to show the effects of carrying the guilt and fear through the deterioration of our health, wealth, or relationships.
2) How to silence the thoughts that carry you over self destruction
All of our thoughts were created and reinforced through our perceptions of experiences that we went through. Many of these thoughts are based on false perceptions, so therefor the thoughts will only reinforce these false perceptions and cause us to recreate the same types of experiences over and over again. False thoughts can only lead to destruction, which is why it is important to replace them with constructive thoughts based on the truth.
3) How do I find my passion and direction to live love no matter what
Many of us become so overwhelmed with false perceptions of ourselves, that over time, we begin to lose ourselves and what brings us joy in this world. Those of us that are lucky enough to realize that we are going through the motions and not living our lives through our love, have time to rekindle that passion and truly make a difference in our lives and those around us.
4) How do I overcome adversities and animosities without allowing them to devour me?
Live brings us challenges and experiences that we sometimes feel are not desirable. So how can we move through these experiences and see the silver lining in each situation so we can continue to move forward and not get stuck and mired in disappointments and doubts that can creep up.
5) How do I find and maintain lasting happiness?
To most of us, this is very important. many of us are not automatically happy in our lives. Most of us are pessimistic and see the wrong in things instead of the right. Seeing the wrong in things does not allow us to be happy and empower us into really creating the life we love.
6) How do I allow myself to live the real me?
If you have ever made a decision based on the approval of someone else in spite of what you wanted, you are not living the real you. If you have ever felt you had to hide a part of yourself because of what someone else may think about you, you are not living the real you. Finding the courage to live your life is one that many of us lack.
These are some of the most popular questions we ask ourselves that we want the answers to, and the desire to have the answers to these questions is the first step in our personal development journey.
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